It’s almost that time of the year. The holidays are just around the corner and it never hurts to make your wish list now. Every magazine has some sort of gear review or what’s new. I will write my own reviews of fishing items and shops I have used this year. This is just my opinion and you can disagree with it.
½ () - Run, hide your wallet.
1☺ - Poor
2☺☺ - Average
3☺☺☺ - Good
4☺☺☺☺ - Excellent
Since my local shop has been tanked, I have been visiting a lot of new shops and some old ones.
Outdoor Emporium, what can I say….. They have a new shop and the same old service, below par. The new facility is roomy and the inventory is huge. They have some of the lowest prices in town. The fly area is not as desirable, due to limited stocks and cheaper brands (except for the rods). Although the parking situation has improved a 100%, and it’s free, the location is in an area that is hard to get to, especially during events and traffic.
Pros: Huge selection, low prices and plenty of free parking.
Cons: Service and the traffic problems getting to the shop.
Patrick’s fly shop. I am still not sure of this place. Not the best selection but close to home and they do carry some items I can’t get at other fly shops. The service is ok, at best. I will continue to do business here when I need some things but I would not drop a lot of money here or buy big ticket items.
Puget Sound fly. I have only been in there once but left with a positive feeling. They have a great selection and friendly owners, not pushy. The location is not close to me but worth the visit when in area.
☺☺☺ ()
Kaufman’s. (Downtown Location) Great selection! Very close to me and a knowledgeable staff that is helpful and friendly. If you have no control or self restraint you can leave broke. Only thing that I don’t like is the parking situation. No meters and if you do find one it will cost you and arm and a leg. Parking garage next door is not much better but at least you won’t get a ticket if you lose track of time in the shop. Please validate parking.
Morning Hatch. Wow, I love this place; I wish it was located in Seattle. It is way too far for me to make it my local shop but I will hit it every time I am in Tacoma. They have a great selection and a friendly staff that is helpful. If they don’t have it, you don’t need it.
Internet shopping is here to stay and soon or later we all do it.
Most shops have free to very low shipping cost and no sales tax.
When I do order online I use these 3 shops 95% of the time for all my fishing needs.
The Fly Shop- Feather-Craft - Cabela’s - ☺☺☺() (all three shops)
Simms L2 wading boots.
I have had these for 2 months now and I love em. They are much lighter then my guide weight and have better support. I like the Neoprene tongue that keeps the sand and debris out when I forget to use my gravel guards. I f I had to do it again I would get ones with the spikes.
Patagonia Deep Wading jacket.
I can only think of one other jacket that is better then this, and that one is made by Patagonia (SST). Light weight. Cut a little higher for deep wading and new cuffs. Great for all the rain we get around here. They have the best customer service. How many companies will give you a new product after you have had it for 3+ years and abused it heavily?
I have had them give me my money back and a new pair of waders for a pin hole I had in my waders that I had for 2+ years, and the hole was my fault.
Only other company that even comes close backing their product is LL Bean and G. Loomis.
Ross Reels USA
Great reels and service that is hard to beat. I have the Cimarron and the Canyon.
They have a 2 day turn around guarantee and customer service that is one of the best in the industry. You can’t go wrong if you choose Ross.
I know most of the people on here don’t care for F&H News aka Liars Digest, and neither do I, but they do have some great maps. I also have all the maps they have had in the past 3 years in a word format (25mbs) and a PDF format (35mbs) if any one wants it. I would load it on here but the PDF file is a little too large and I am not sure how to publish it on this BB. But I can email it; just make sure you can handle 35mbs attachment in your email.
The new indestructible foam fly boxes. I love them. It puts the Morell boxes to shame. It has a nice curve to the box that fits anatomically correct in your pockets and the heavy duty green outer cover with the name tag on the back.
I picked up 5 of these and plan to get more. Worth the $$, but its pretty cheap.
I purchased the Sage Performance Taper this summer and I was impressed.
Great line, very slick, easy to cast. No complaints.
I also got another spool of Rio DC 15ft , excellent.
This leader/tippet is soft and it seems to break at a lower then rating. I do like the leader kit but save your self the money and just use Maxima or Rio. I think it is a little steep at $8.00 a spool (30 Meters). I think I will go back to Rio and Maxima.
Leader Calc.
I usually don’t tie my own leaders and just buy the Rio brand (my favorite).
I can usually pick it up for $2 a pk. so I get a ½ dozen and I am good to go for a long time. This year I got the Froghair leader kit had started to tie my own and really like the results, plus it is cheaper.
So if you are into making your own and even custom labels and little zip loc bags to put it in you have to get this program. It’s FREE and it is the best leader program I have ever seen. You just need Excel to run it or you can download the PDF in parts but it is better to use it in Excel. If you don’t have Excel then you can use mine, if it’s legal if not then well get it.
I would also like to hear from any one that has used the following product.
G Loomis – the new float rods.
Okuma - Center pin reels
Every time I purchase a new product, use a service, shop at a store etc…. I will test it out for a few months and then post my .02 worth of review.(I am not going to comment on products I have had prior to this unless some one ask about that specific item).
Feel free to do the same so we can learn from your reviews.