This is imortant people. I know Dave listed these email address is his thread, but lots of text tends to disintrest people and then they take their "eye off the ball."
Please, email:
Paul McGillvary at,
Devona Adams at,
and voice your opinion about further endangering Thompson steelhead, whether you ever plan on fishing there or not. They need help. Posted below is what I wrote. Thanks.
I cannot think of a steelhead run in all of North America that is more majestic than the fish that return to the Thompson River. The paultry number that return there today are testemony to the fact their numbers have suffered exponetial losses over the years due to, among other factors, mismanagement on behalf of BC's Ministry of Fisheries. The few that return there today already have to negotiate the annual sockeye fishery in the Fraser. Now, the proposal is to subject this almost extinct run of special fish to a Chum Salmon fishery too? What are the managers thinking about?
I believe the folks who are utimately responsible for making the Chum Salmon decision need to sit back and drink a hot cup of the Queen's tea before putting what could prove to be the final nail in the coffin.