Not to discourage you because if you don't mind l hiking in there are many good spots on the Calawah. There is good road access on the South Fork of the Calawah but it's way up river from the hatchery.'re probably used to fishing streams like the Sky or Stilly where there is lots of easy to find traditional bank fishing. You'll find the Calawah and 'Duc quite different. These are fast flowing rivers with limited bank access and trees right down to the river bank. Thus the emphasis on drift boat access.
These comments will make more sense once you go to the area and do research. Plan to spend time doing investigation because it takes time and effort to scope things out.
For example, the tip above to go to the Bogie hatchery and walk to the Calawah ponds. You will find it very space restricted compared to what you're used to in the Seattle area. You will also find it can be every bit as crowded and the fishing manners every bit as poor (competitive) as at Reiter Ponds if you're there right after the high water and the fish are in. You will not be lonel! Indeed, I would guess you will be totally amazed at the quantity of people you will find at the Bogie hatchery when the bite is on!
I recommend you take time and walk around the rivers without fishing gear. Learn where the fishing spots are. Don't bother to fish until you learn the area and decide where you want to fish.
By the way, there is no magic in the OP rivers. You learn them a rock at a time just like everywhere. Like everywhere the fishing can be red hot or not hot.
Whatever you do - don't put a boat in any river but the middle Bogie from the hatchery down without floating it with someone who knows the river. (And it would be best to go down the Bogie with someone first too )
The Calawah looks pristine and harmless from 101 - you get about half a mile down river just out of sight from the put in at the 101 bridge and then find out what is in store for you. And if you are in the wrong spot it's all over. Solduc is the same story.
Even if you only plan to bank way to learn the rivers is to hire a guide. Will save you lots of time in the long run.