The Seattle Poggie Club had an outing to the Hoodsport Hatchery for some Chum fishing on Saturday November 20th. The Chum were all around but only a few wanted to bite. We as a group landed a handfull of fish ranging in size from 5-12lbs. Only a few chromers around. Most of the fish were getting dark. The atmosphere was not as combat as I was expecting it. There were quite a few anglers none the less. There were bottom bouncers with different colors of yarn. There were anglers using spinners. The most successful fisherman was a gentleman using a small float and a whole herring on a fairly short leader. The weather was gorgeous and the chance to fish and have a post-fishing potluck with a great group of Poggies made everything perfect. This is just one of the reasons I joined the Seattle Poggie Fishing Club. For more info on the Seattle Poggie Club contact me.
Take the joy you see in a child's eye when they catch their first fish, put it in your heart and your outlook on life will be different. >>Fishin Fredo