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#269264 - 08/02/04 02:26 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
jeff'e'd Offline

Registered: 07/10/00
Posts: 948
Loc: Snohomish, WA USA
I'm back from vacation and thankfully recorded Kerry's speach.

TK, I thought you would come to your senses after hearing a Presidential candidate who actually has some intellectual capacity and quit coming up with your dirt digging campaign to smear Kerry...

#269265 - 08/02/04 02:32 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
John Lee Hookum Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/12/01
Posts: 2453
Loc: Area 51

for one reason on this board they hate GW because he is overtly Christian.

That's a buch of hog wash. Bush is disliked moslty because of his incompetence as exemplified in his many disastrous foreign and domestic policies.

Guys like you are no different than the followers of Jim Jones back in the late 70's to middle 80's. You will enjoy the taste of that poison Kool Aid until the very end. That's why it's not good when Government is controled by religious Cult's, whether it be the Taliban and it's Muslim extremist, Zionist, fanatic Christian fundamentalism, Moonies, Guru's or any of the many other's cult's, to numerous to mention. Here in America we advocate the separation of Chuch and State, for protection against our own stupidity.

The brain washing is so thorough that the extremists are convinced that their soul mission in life is a Crusade of spreading their culted religious values troughout the World and destroy all others including the burning of books. The main problem is amplified when it involves your Government and the millitary. When that happens(religious fanatics govern), everyone is forced (including our Millitary) to participate in an irrational agenda that's dangerous and vague, without logic and often fails as in Iraq for us and Afghanistan for the Taliban.

An example is the polarization and division that's so apparent in our country today. It's the us against them, Right vs. Left, Christian fundamentalist vs. All the rest of um campaign that he is running on in this election. Most of his Political adds are focused on deamonizing his oponent and never pointing to his record over the last 4 years! His record is no longer important to the majority of his supporter. That's wrong (the polarization) and devisive, not in the best interest of this country and the reason he needs to be sent back to Crawford Texas this fall. They are only concerned with the fear generated with the belief that everone else is evil and they are devine. Bush = God and good and Kerry = Devil or Evil.

Again, government should not be pushing a religious agenda over everything else including policy.

I still say it's not that Bush is a Christian, but it's his actions concerning policy that are contrary to the logistical and rational chioces that governing requires and independent of the Church.

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein

#269266 - 08/02/04 02:38 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
Ia Presidential candidate who actually has some intellectual capacity and quit coming up with your dirt digging campaign to smear Kerry...

Lets stack up your education and resume against GW's jeff'ed Whats a buyer from Snohomish have over the president. Lets hear it?
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#269267 - 08/02/04 02:46 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
jeff'e'd Offline

Registered: 07/10/00
Posts: 948
Loc: Snohomish, WA USA
I have a 4 year degree from the UW. But what does that have to do with the qualifications of the next president? I'm sorry, but Bush's C+ GPA and his underwhelming vocubulary doesn't exactly inspire me, evidentially it does you.

Hell, I'd be happy if Bush told the whole and complete truth about what he knew about the justificaiton for war and could actually explain it to the American people. And TK, don't bother to post what was recorded for the vote for Afganistana and Iraq. What I'm talking about is Bush's ability to persuade people and be a leader.

#269269 - 08/02/04 04:33 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

Well Bush has a UD from Yale and a masters from Harvard and unless you are proposing that his family got those for him. I doubt you could even get accepted to either school on merit.
I thought libs did not like stereotypes? If you cannot understand what Bush's positions are it is you not him. You don't want me to post certain things because you cannot defend or refute them. You have all but admitted you are basing your position on feelings and emotions not facts and logic. Your last two posts show this very well. It's how a candidate sounds not the meat of what he says that you go for. If you want meat Kerry is not the guy. If you want a feel good feeling he just may fit the bill.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#269270 - 08/02/04 05:09 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
jeff'e'd Offline

Registered: 07/10/00
Posts: 948
Loc: Snohomish, WA USA

What makes you an authority on how GWB got admitted into those schools? Do you really know what his schoolastic scores were prior to admission? Ya, he certainly has some nice degrees, but they don't manifest themselves when he speaks off the cuff. I could make an accusation that there is no way he could have gotten into those schools without family pull, but that would be no more of factual claim than your assertion that he got there based on merrit.

Why do you keep dragging my ability to get admitted into these schools into this discussion? It's not about me, its about who is the better candidtate....

If you don't understand that a Presidents ability to lead is based on his ability to communicate, influence other countries, negotiate effectively, then your missing a big portion of what makes a good President.

You speek of Bush as if he's just a cog in the political wheel with your spin of "facts." Show me how Bush has been an effective communicator and brought this country together the way a leader should....The fact is that he has dividided this nation in half, not the uniter that he ran on, and turned out to be quite the nation builder, didn't he as opposed to his accusation of Clinton / Gore.

Frankly, I don't care what you post. It's not my intention to sensor.

#269271 - 08/02/04 05:26 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

A good friend has a son attending Yale so I know what the admission standards are for Yale. I work with 5 Harvard PHD's in economics so I konw what the requirements of Harvard are. I bring your education into beacuse it is very clear you are not qualified to attend either school yet you pretend you are qualified to rate the intelectual capacities of Kerry and Bush based on the campaign to date. Completely ignoring certain facts. The most glaring is that no senators saw Kerry write or sponsor bills that they saw as cutting edge or insightful. That the republicans as a part of their strategy never even listed Kerry as someone to watch in the senate. So it seems that this powerhouse intellectual has flown under the radar for most of his career. Except to gain notice as a political opportunist. Ronald Reagan had many conflicts with so called intellectuals. He pointed out what most people with any ecpirience know that at some point you have to make decisions and take action and then be held accountable for the same. Something intelectuals rarely do they leave it up tot others. And lastly as with most corporations the President is only as good as those around him. The president of the US or for a corp. provides the vision and others believe in in and execute the day to day details. People like Kerry or Al Gore are incapable of allowing others to shine brighter than themselves because it's alll about them. If you read interviews with Kerry over his whole life a pictue becomes very clear, it's all about him. A scary thought for a country and recent polls show fewer and fewer people are buying it as they learn more about him.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#269272 - 08/02/04 05:28 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
goharley Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
Typical Elvis reply; what you can't refute you claim as emotional.

That post by Jeff'e'd has two distinct facts:
  • Kerry presents himself more intellectually than Bush

  • Bush has not been completely forthcoming with the American populous.

Speaking of emotion, I have ascertained that many of your posts are filled with hate towards America and anything mainstream and to the left there-of. You can't seem to endorse Bush because of his record, but rather because he's not Kerry, or any other Democrat for that matter. That's not very logical. Kind of emotional, too, wouldn't you say? However, from all accounts as to how the GOP does business, I suppose it is their definitive modis operand. And those are just unemotional facts as I see them.

As far as Franks is concerned, seems he left out that part about being visually upset upon receiving the warning order to invade Iraq. He was somewhat less than highly amused. And does it surprise you that he lashed out at Powell after Powell publicly criticized his war plan? And can you say that his plan for fewer troops has been a success? No one in my professional circle thinks so. And even a civilian should find it odd that he chose retirement in the middle of a war instead of seeing it through.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.

#269273 - 08/02/04 05:39 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

Nice try. Pick any topic and I will post facts to your hearts content relating to why I do or do not support any candiate for any office. Single or multiple issues feel free.
On franks seems to me you where holding Powell up as someone you could get behind as a VP or even a presidential candidate. If I remember correctly Franks was pissed at Powell for not delivering the peace keeping forces he promised and did not see that as a role for US combat troops. I also remember Franks making the fastest Military advance in US history and accomplishing the objective of the US military, defeating the Iraqi military. It also seems to me that all the second guessers like you and yours hampered the efforts of a guy like Franks. Hard to motivate REMF's that are second guessing every step of the way vs. rolling up their sleves and getting down to business. New day in the armed forces when peoplethink they can pick and choose who and what they support.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#269274 - 08/02/04 05:58 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

"Kerry presents himself more intellectually than Bush" this is not a fact it's someones feeling. Post some examples as proof please.

"Bush has not been completely forthcoming with the American populous" Again someone feelings post some examples please.

Seems to me you have a hard time telling the difference between emotion and fact now why does that not suprise me?

Let me post an example for you. "Bush lied and people died" was your quote for quite a while. Since then it has been the opinion of 3 independant investigations two US and one Brittish that that statement is not true. Secondly Bush's reasons for invading Iraq Are identical to Bill Clintons reasons for propsing the same in 1998 . Yet Bush is a liar. Third Clinton awarded a similar contract to Halliburton after the Balkan war under identical circumstances to the Bush Admins cantart with Halliburton in Iraq. Yet Bush did it for financial gain for friends. Do you see a pattern here in the facts?
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#269275 - 08/02/04 06:26 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
jeff'e'd Offline

Registered: 07/10/00
Posts: 948
Loc: Snohomish, WA USA
If I am a registered voter (and I am), then I'm qualified (by exercizing my vote) to decide if Bush is an intellectual. In fact, I and everyone else that casts their vote had better have a an opinion as to whether the sitting President has the right skill mix (including intellectual ability to analyze important issues ---like stem cell research) to be President. What are you proposing TK, that we go back to "only the qualified" are eligible to vote?

And by the way, just because you know someone who got admitted Yale or Harvard, doesn't make your opinion credible. I was admitted to Boston U and went there one year, so there!

#269276 - 08/02/04 07:09 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
goharley Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
Elvis.... :rolleyes:

REMF??? Gawd, you're clueless. Now you're trying to throw around military acronyms like you're "one of the boys?" Typical chickenhawk.

I don't know where you come up with me supporting Powell for either president or vp. I may have mentioned he'd be an interesting candidate, but that hardly is campaigning.

Pretty interesting that when someone posts some facts you spin it around to interpret it as emotion in your black and white world. I'll admit that the emotion you're getting out of me now is one of disbelief that you actually believe yourself. Amazing that you sincerely subscribe to these thought processes.

You should of quit while you were ahead, you're losing more credibility with every post. You'll rank right down there with SCOWAK real soon. Your "facts" are so partisan and opinionated by agenda-driven authors that they border on lunacy.

But I gotta say your pompous arrogance is perfectly at home in the GOP.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.

#269278 - 08/02/04 07:57 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

Well if thats one of the criteria you have come up with knock yourself out. BU wow I did not know that the Terriers had such prestige attached to their name outside of Ice Hockey.


Losing credibility with libs hurts me as much as saying I was not best friends with Ted Bundy. I notice you failed to address the key question in my post. Typical 99% emotion 1% fact.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#269279 - 08/02/04 08:04 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
jeff'e'd Offline

Registered: 07/10/00
Posts: 948
Loc: Snohomish, WA USA
Another point to ponder.... regardless of whether Bush has the right skill mix, the perception around the world is that he is a "Cowboy who is quick to use / misuse American might." That perception of him may very well be irreversable.

So whether you like him or not, the real question is whether he is the right candidate to take the next steps.......

#269280 - 08/02/04 08:12 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
4Salt Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/07/00
Posts: 2955
Loc: Lynnwood, WA
OK King, so where did YOU go to school?

If I were to speculate based solely on your ability to compose a coherent sentence (grammar, punctuation and spelling not withstanding) or compose an ORIGINAL thought or opinion, I'd venture a guess... Oh, let's see... maybe Tupelo Alternative High School. ;\) :p \:D
A day late and a dollar short...

#269281 - 08/02/04 11:58 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
h2o Offline

Registered: 10/31/02
Posts: 2449
Loc: Portland
You can tell by the reek of patchouli he went to evergreen.

You college boys sure like to measure.....
"Christmas is an American holiday." - micropterus101

#269282 - 08/03/04 12:13 AM Re: Your hero is a zero!
goharley Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
How's that saying go? "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with ... Elvis?"

Tent makers for Christie, 2016.

#269283 - 08/03/04 11:21 AM Re: Your hero is a zero!
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

I used to have 250+ mostly Ex Navy guys working for me. They had the electronics background I needed so the Zero thing was intentional. I learn a few things from them, not much but a few things.

Could not come up with anything but that. Posting all this time and never saying anything on topic or even close to being insightful means you went to school where? BTW I am not the one touting the intellectual capacity of the candidates as a valid measure of their ability. I don't know anyone else that is besides Jeff'ed.


Again zero facts all emotion. I think you are A Hens alter ego and do not really exist beacuse you never see one without the other.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#269285 - 08/03/04 11:42 AM Re: Your hero is a zero!
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
"Stop Mad Cowboy Disease!"

You lead by example!
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#269287 - 08/03/04 12:05 PM Re: Your hero is a zero!
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

Quit cackling and let the people I name called answer for themselves. If and when I address you its real clear. Busy body!
Liberalism is a mental illness!

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