Originally posted by John Lee Hookum:
Originally posted by Stew:
When Kerry takes office I hope he comes to get your guns first ACT
Your Statements and your attacks on me and others here who do not agree with you are exactly the reason why I can not and will never be able to support your position or those of the Dumbocraps.
You don't know me you don't know my family or my credentials. Your statments and your actions are deplorable as they show there is a deep flaw in your upbringing and/or character. Members of my family and I have done our time in the service of our country and it literially makes my blood boil when the likes sKerry and his coharts call me and those I served with war criminals, and it's a fact, it's all public record. Skerry made his bed in the 60's and 70's he's carrying that baggage I'm not and in my eyes he's nothing more than a liar and a traitor just like Benidict Arnold for his actions upon return to this country and in my book he is guilty of Treason and as such as an Naval Officer holding a Commission in either the Active or Inactive Reserve he is subject to Uniform Code of Military Justice just as I would be and as such be brought up on Court Marshal for his actions.
The whole point being is as a member and a Spokesman for the Communist Front Organization Veitnam Veterans Against the War he was preaching for the overthrow of a duelly elected Government.
In my book Treason is far more Serious Charge than being AWOL(and that charge still remains unproven), but oh I forgot sKerry is a Democrrat and he is above the law just like his Mentor Teddy Kennedy who drove his Oldsmobile off a bridge, plus they are L-A-W-Y-E-R-S.