"You, in the back of the class..........identify yourself and answer with a little more clarity."
You can divide by 0.1^-infinity, you can't divide by 0, although they essentially the same number. The concept is the basis for Integral Calculus, much like the Tangent Line Problem is the basis for Differential Calculus. That's what's cool about going to school as an adult: I remember all this shi%.
I like the quick math derivation of women. I dont think step one is a linear relationship of (time*money). I beilieve it to be an exponential relationship (time*money^2). Going through the outlined simplification boils down to (woman = problems^2).
I believe you were misled in calculus class. The basis of integral calculus is taking the sumation of infentesimal slices to determine the area under the curve of an antiderivitive equation within specified limits of integration. The lesson that should be taken from dividing by .1^infinity is that as you
approach zero in the denominator, the result of the division gets exponentialy larger. Dont get stuck on the essentialy the same number bit. Think in terms of approaching zero or approaching infinity. Zero is a number. Infinity is an idea to give direction to mathematical models.
The basis for differential calculus is the
change in the slope of the tangent of sequential points along the line of a multivariable equation.