Young Merg, I have to say, your one size fits all advice stinks. Some guys are way better off not meeting the woman of their dreams. They should take advantage of easy opportunities for sexual recreation when they happen and then go fishing or something.
I think you are a young Snake Pliskin and you have a long road to walk before you're qualified to give advice to the lovelorn.
Now here is a fine example of what i am talking about

The blind leading the blind.
i am interested to know your views and expiriences in picking up women of high values and standards? give me a few stories of how well some of the things you have tried worked? work on my confidence for me....what do i need to be thinking when i walk up to a women when i want to get her number? tell me....what do you think about ...what were your struggles, trials, and tribulations in meeting exceptional women and trying to start a conversation with a women you are interested in? i would love to know

If i want to make a million dollars...i will take advice from someone who makes a million dollars a year...not someone who makes 30,000.
i was not posting this to make a point. i was venting. Men let society and women tell them what they should be doing to meet and date women....its a freakin travesty.
90% of women dont know what the heck they want...until they met him
one size does fit all.
one man who believes in himself, has confidence, is funny, clean, chivalrious, sets standards for himself and the people he chooses to bring into his life, and doesnt settle for ANY second class behavior from good enough for every women in this state.....that is worth dating

count on it.
its just an epidemic i see everywhere. men trying to impress women.....WHy!?!?!
the day you dont need some womens APPROVAL ...for ANYTHING is the day women will fight to get yours. its human nature.
ever hear a women complain about something you or some previous guyhas done to her ?? ( we are not talking abuse or anything like that)
" i hate ex used to listen to his music really loud"
normal guys say what?
" oh...i never do that ( in their head they make a mental note not to listen to the music so loud) "
STOP THAT!!!! you are not being athentic. you are lying to yourself and her. if she cant handle loud music at this point in the game....or is going to judge you for listening to loud music.....screw off!! theres like 10 million women within a 10 mile drive!!!!
my answer?
" thats to bad....i listen to my music so loud sometimes...i make the neighbors down the street wet the bed"
funny? yes....its also '
http://www.i dont need your'
stop trying to impress women....make them impress you!! they're the ones who need to impress you to see if they are good enough for you!
gosh....its ...mind boggling some of the things men do for attention from women!!! look how they dress, dye their hair, wear those cute shoes, silky dresses...who are they trying to impress YOOOOUUUUUUU!!! and the other girls who thought they would be the cutest

but mostly you.
Start acting like a women when you go out on a date. seriously!
talk about how the last one screwed up. just a few times. if she spills or trips or slops food...lift up your arms and say semi loudly " your so embarrassing!!, i cant take you anywhere!" its funny!!
be funny....if your not are lost my friend.
i could go on and on. blehhhh its just irritating to watch my fellow men get bent over one woman....or pine after this one woman....or worry what this woman or that woman thinks, or they have to get wasted to talked to ONE woman!!! just one!! it kills me to watch my fellow man ruin his life worrying about this woman thing....this supposed Elusive thing that is like 75% of a mans life....i just want to shake them " your in a pu**y trance!! snap out of it!"
when you figure out this women thing....and realize you could have any women you want ( seriously) ANY ONE!! it gives you the confidence....a confidence i cant describe. your job will go better. you will get promotions....find a better job...and be well liked by everyone....your quality of life goes up....your a happier person. its one less thing in your life to worry about. what if meeting women...or finding THE woman was just like ....eating. just another function you can do. you dont have to eat all the time. and you certainly could eat BETTER. but your not worried about it. just another part of your life that you can do anytime you you know what that feels like!???? god...its liberating. sorry i am going on and on here but society has made a bunch of pining pansy's out of us and its irritating