Better late than never I have been busy with work, When you sell specialty foods Thanksgiving is busy not to mention a week in Idaho and when I'm on Vacation no one that fills in for me.
Well to the Hunt, it was ok even though we didn't get the snow we needed for a migration as this is one of only a couple of places in the world that Whitetails migrate like muley's and snow in the high country is a must.

Most of us in camp weren't seeing as many bucks as we had in previous years. It seemed we were hunting mostly local deer that had been pressured for two months now and they would bolt when a mouse farted! The scenery in this part of Idaho is amazing and one reason I return each year.
After a 2 1/2 mile hike this made a cool lunch time stop and I listened to the sounds of wolves all day long in this drainage!
The first day I saw a big black bear with a unique cinnamin diamond on his chest ... I really wanted him and a week earlier I could have used my deer tag on him but he was safe for now and looking tired I think I stummbled on him trying to dig a den. On day two still no bucks but I did see a cow moose pretty cool to see though.
I was able to find these sheds from a 6pt elk and a small buck so at least I would have horn soup!

In all I saw only 4 bucks for the week and my expectations were high having a Bull in the freezer I was going to be picky. One that I would have shot I gave the shot up to Tmike's nephew Jake, too bad he couldnt find the buck in his scope before it was gone! he made up for it the next day though grunting in and killing his first whitetail, nice job Jake!

Our camp was able to go 5 out of 8 even in a bad year and they are getting the snow that we needed now ...I wishI had more time. Looks like a good ole days photo huh? Wait these are my good ole days!

Just for fun here is the benchmark I was trying to beat my 2005 buck from the same area.

Gillpopper, Tmike and myself could return right now and use our any weapon tags for a archery hunt starting Dec. 5th you gotta love Idaho! Cmon Washington please start taking some notes!
It was a blast once again and I'm allready looking forward to my 2008 return!