South King County Puget Sound Anglers
Next Meeting January 16 7pm
Des Moines Masonic Hall 2208 S 223rd St. Des Moines, Wa.
Our January meeting will feature our very own Terry Wiest. Terry is one of our past presidents and our current Derby Chairman. He is also one of the hosts of Steelhead University and is fast becoming one of our local fishing experts.
Terry will present Float Fishing for Salmon & Steelhead. Terry is the co-host of Steelhead University and has not only fished with some of the best float fishing experts around, but has put all that information into a power packed presentation that is sure to help every salmon and steelhead fisherman at every level. I had the pleasure of hear Terry speak at the Steelhead University Clinic held December 8th and he puts on a very informative and entertaining presentation.
We will also have Shawn Pennell from the Oak bay Marine Group. Shawn is the Fish Master on the Charlotte Princess as well as the Executive Chef for the Northern Resorts. He will be showing us some of the great fishing opportunities at their 7different resorts. (
He is also bringing some great goodies for our member’s only raffle table.
We will also have a special Members only 2 month raffle for a Trip for two to their Canadian Princess Lodge. This includes 2 night’s accommodations and two 7hr fishing trips.
Puget Sound Anglers will also receive a minimum of 15% off of their 2008 rates to any of there 7 resorts and even greater discounts on certain dates.
I fish, ergo, I am.
If you must burn our flag, Please! wrap yourself in it.
Puget Sound Anglers, So. King Co.
CCA SeaTac Chapter
I love my country but fear my government