Here is a great pacakge deal for somebody out there.

9'6, 6-10 line g1000 lamiglas rod, Spin rod (good side-drift or float pole)

2 -Lamiglas 7'6 mag taper 8-15 rod, (excellent plug rods) g1000
these are both casting poles

8'6 mag taper, g1000 , 8-17 casting

2 curado bsf reels in left handed. These reel are not the prettiest and
could use a over haul from johns in Everett

All rods are in good condition.

450$ for the whole package

Edited by okiedude (04/09/08 01:48 PM)
"For best results, plug a slot daily"

Bringin' BUFOSO back for the 2010

"If you can fish Pops, you can fish anybody"