Another thread got me wondering.
Since it appears from watching the media, and the sentiments here at PP, that most are pleased with Bush and Cheney's policies, and are comfortable that they represent the concern's of most American's.
My question is, why can't Dick Cheney stay on as McCann running mate?
After all, most have credited Cheney, as the real brain or mastermind, behind the fabulous Bush administration.
He could continue to use his brilliance, as the administrative leason between Haliburton, the military and our treasury.
He has always maintained that Saddam new of and had links to 911, when the CIA didn't have a clue.
Now, when he tell us anything, we know to believe him, because ultimately he will get proven right, as he has again, and again.
This guy is selfless, and his only concerned is whats best for the average, hard working American.
Let's face it, McCann could get off the ground immediately, as it would make for the seamless transfer of capital, that would continue to get recirculated into our economy, as we help Iraq, Afganistan, and soon to be Iran, by building bridges, roads, hospitals, as well as provide Playstation 3's for all of those countries school age kids. That's whats keeping our economy strong, and a future bright for our kids.
It is rumored that Cheney came up with the idea of the tax rebate. The original intention for the rebate, was to provide and economic stimulus to our economy. I'm buying a Playstation 3 with mine and put America back to work. That's what it was intended for in the first place. Putting that money away is unAmerican, as it does nothing to stimulate the economy in a shoe box
let's not forget, Ken Lay was never linked to Cheney, and always to Bush. He also came out, clean as a whistle, in the CIA treason matter.
I'm certain that he and McCann, would make sure that our Social Security Trust Fund stayed viable, by iliciting Wall Street's help.
I bet they could triple that trist fund in 8 years, under a McCann Cheney Administration.
Now that's news to celebrate, as we approach retirement age.
McCann is getting up there in age, and having the Dick as a back up, could come in quite handy, by krakie.
If the law doesn't allow Cheney to stay on as VP in a McCann administration, then Condi will have to do.
Either, way it a win win for all of America.
McCann-Cheney 08!
I'm fired up! 8 more years!!!
8 more years!!!!