Irie you are so on the mark, It is embarrassing. Americans trying to communicate with people who speak other languages... Maybe if I speak English really slowly they will understand or maybe I need to YELL. Visualize over weight texans in Paris it is enough to make your stomach turn .
When I was in Jamaica, I was walking down the beach and low and behold there was some sunburnt dipsh*t completely buck-ass naked kicking around a soccerball, his junk flopping around in the breeze. Everyone was staring at him, giving him a wide berth, and the locals were laughing. I wondered why it hadn't occurred to him that he was the only person naked on a beach as crowded with markets stalls, hustlers and peddlers as any downtown shopping district. Then I noticed his fanny pack sitting on his beach chair. "Oh my God. He's an American." I thought to myself.
Contrary to conventional American Wisdom, Jamaica is a VERY violent, intolerant and conservative society where Ganja is highly illegal and people suspected of being homosexual or women thought to be pregnant with a whiteman's child (blue-eye-baby) are publicly macheted to death in broad daylight, a la Rwanda style. (As happened while I was there) It isn't the happy little Tropical Ganja-land theme park Americans like to imagine. It was embarrassing to be around Americans acting like they are too high & mighty to be concerned with a nation's laws & customs. After the first week we began telling the locals we were from Vancouver just to avoid the animosity.