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#439445 - 06/16/08 11:01 PM I AM PISSED.
Achewter Offline

Registered: 02/02/04
Posts: 2237
Loc: N of Seattle
I was just payed a visit from CPS (child protective services)
Turns out that I was turned in by my my kids ADD counsler.
My EXwife talked to him about our sons emotional behavior after I had concerns that it may be from the meds this guy had proscibed.
He said he didn't think it was to much to worry about. Then asked if he had access to guns. This is when exwifiepoo take a little liberty with the facts I am afraid.
Counsler asked if I had loaded guns in the house. EX says she didn't know but i had in the past. (about 14 years ago I had 2 rounds in the breach of a 12ga for about 3 minutes after hearing a disturbing noise in my front yard a couple of weeks after my truck had been cleaned out. The one and only time EVER)
The CPS guy was actualy real cool about the hole thing. I explained that I was raised with guns around my whole life and am an avid hunter and fisherman. He had talked to both of my kids at school and found them well informed about gun safety and didn't feel there was much of a problem. He told me that sense my son was the owner of three of the guns and was very much looking forward to his first hunting season this fall there was nothing wrong with him having them on display in his room as long as they were not loaded and ammo was secure from them.
So now I am feeling OK about the hole thing and telling myself that in this day and age having guns unlocked and in your kids room wasn't the best idea not so much for my kids sake but for the sake of other kids that may go into his room.
I know it may sound crazy to some of you that my kid had guns in his room and for the sake of an arguement I'll admit that even that it is perfectly leagal it may not be a good idea.
Now for the part where I get real pissed.
The cps guy gives me a copy of the complaint from the counsler:
The referent reports that they were informed that the father has "18 loaded guns in his house" The referent states that the father reportedly has loaded guns hidden at various points in the home-including SON'S BEDROOM. The referant states that the guns do not have gun locks according to the first-hand source (ie slutty fat ugly whore exwife)

Wife says she did tell counsler that I had a loaded gun in the house in the past and that there was guns all over the house in the past. (guns were in my room, my hunting and fishing room and my son's guns were in his room)

Am I over reacting or have I just been screwed. If the ex wants to make my wife a living hell in the future can this total BS be used against me????

Is there anyway of finding out what the counsler was told or what he made up in his own head.

Is this fare, should I just let it go, should I talk to a lawyer????

wtf do you think
When Ma Nature decides to make ya her bitch, aint nothin your gonna do about it

#439449 - 06/16/08 11:19 PM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Achewter]
Magicfly Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 3359
Loc: Pasco Bulldog country
Sounds like the EX needs to go. fridge

These are your kids. You already have a strike against you, being a male. Time for a lawyer. Good luck.


Edited by Magicfly (06/16/08 11:20 PM)
Edit Reason: fridge
Born again with IRON MAIDEN!

"Go hard, today Can't worry the past, coz that yesterday". GO COUGS!!!

#439457 - 06/17/08 12:20 AM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Magicfly]
Sol Duc Offline
April Fool

Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 15727
How old are you're kids?

Edited by Sol Duc (06/17/08 12:21 AM)
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

- Albert Einstein.

#439468 - 06/17/08 12:58 AM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Sol Duc]
Salmo g. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 13589

Have a drink. Relax. There's not much you can do that will make it better, and it could get worse.

Looks like CPS found out that you're cool, and that your ex is just out to do you dirt however she can. Nothing illegal or wrong about your son having his guns displayed in his own room so long as the ammo protocol is being adhered to, and it sounds like the CPS guy found out what he needed to know.

So yeah, let it go. You're a cool guy. Many of us know you're a cool guy. And now the CPS guy knows you're a cool guy. Things are lookin' up. Ignore the bitch as much as you can. Be civil. Just don't open doors for her unless it's for the opportunity to close them behind her.


#439478 - 06/17/08 02:18 AM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Sol Duc]
Achewter Offline

Registered: 02/02/04
Posts: 2237
Loc: N of Seattle
Kid with the guns is 12. He has been shooting for 2 years. He has a flawless rem 742 30-06 that has been fired maybe 6 times that was just to good of a deal to pass up.( I killed my first buck with my dads identical gun.) He won't be allowed to shot it for a year or 2. He has a DU 12ga that still has the tags on it and a nylon tie threw the action so that he can't load it or cycle it. He also has a youth 20ga auto that he is learning with that he can't get at and a 30-30 that was my older brothers then mine and now his. His room is decorated like a hunting cabin with antlers, float planes, fishing rods, giant lures, bows and arrows, wildlife art worth more than his gun colection and for about 4 months and until last week the 30-06 and 12ga. He doesn't seem to mind not having them in the room and seems to be more into his compound anyway. He has great respect for his guns and I have over herd him proudly telling his friends that they were not aloud to touch them.
Like I said befor the guns were not the best choice in decorations for his room. My beef is that I was forced to let someone inspect my house and question my right to have my kids based on someone's LIES or over active imagination.
When Ma Nature decides to make ya her bitch, aint nothin your gonna do about it

#439481 - 06/17/08 02:56 AM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Achewter]
Achewter Offline

Registered: 02/02/04
Posts: 2237
Loc: N of Seattle
Thanks Salmo
I really don't know how much of the problem is the counsler's and how much is the X's.
Just feel I have lost a bit of my freedom and screwed over.
When Ma Nature decides to make ya her bitch, aint nothin your gonna do about it

#439483 - 06/17/08 03:28 AM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Achewter]
Irie Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 11/26/06
Posts: 4317
Loc: South Sound
Wanna know what I think?

Do NOT get mixed up with people in the mental health profession. Not only are they completely nuts but they will see to it that they ruin your life if given the chance. Walk a tightrope here, Bud.

Tell you what, buy a gunsafe and lock em up for the time being since it's become a "concern."
Let everyone know how suddenly PC you are.

Wanna know what a "Mental Health Professional" can do to you and yours?

Ask anyone who's had a DUI and been ran through the wringer of the "court ordered counceling."

#439484 - 06/17/08 04:15 AM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Irie]
Achewter Offline

Registered: 02/02/04
Posts: 2237
Loc: N of Seattle
all guns are now locked in my safe that I had long befor any of this came around and my only hand gun is at a friends house locked in a safe. I wont take a chance on loosing my kids. Your right fighting this would be taking a chance I just won't gamble. It is part of the reason it pisses me off so much. I have everything to lose and only my pride to gain. It's BS BS BS
When Ma Nature decides to make ya her bitch, aint nothin your gonna do about it

#439485 - 06/17/08 06:19 AM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Achewter]
Fast and Furious Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 12/30/07
Posts: 3116
Care to take a guess how many future drug addicts know your son has guns at his dads house?

Never tell anyone you own them. A visitor could bring ammo into the house or take the gun and use it in a crime.

How many of the 5000 people who read this site, would you let into your home or give them your home address. Might as well use your legal name on the site.

Burglary is the closest violation you will ever feel, next to sexual assault.

There are people who want to make you responsible if your gun is used in a crime. If they can carry your safe out, its not big enough. The gun registered to you and kept at a friends house is a liability to you, since you dont control the events in your friends house. If you theoretically stored a gun at the home of someone who was rejected for a permit, you are probably going to jail.

I only have to right about the one scenario, that happens to you.

Get a second medical opinion about your son. I would change providers.
Sounds like your ex still has issues and would throw you under the bus. Since she cant be trusted with conversations, she is high risk. You cant do much except protect yourself and your rights. Calling your ex a biotch etc can be reported as third degree assault. Your ex may have thought she was doing the right thing, but the psychiatrict was told your concerns by another person. Dont send messages. He may be giving the wrong meds but its not intentional, from the Dr. standpoint, you may be the one who is trying to start a problem with your doctor or your ex or even your kid. IM sure they have seen every variety of a high maintenance father. or mother.

If you change physicians, show him a photo of the safe and tell him, its your fault that you and he do not have a healthy line of communication regarding your son. If your son is talking to this guy for therapy, make sure he has no regrets about switching.
Good luck, go slow and get a professional opinion to verify what youve been told here.

#439504 - 06/17/08 10:40 AM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Fast and Furious]
Sol Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 12/19/03
Posts: 7477
Loc: Poulsbo
I've been telling the guys here at work, if they want to meet a REAL cun%, to divorce their wife.

The problem with allegations like this is even if they are completely false, the perception by others is that there is at least the "posibility" that they are true, and that is damaging. Especially, if the vendictive-sacked-out-psycho-slut-bitc% backs it up with a couple more bullshi% allegations in the future.

And personally, I think unless you are licking bullets the entire mental health profession is a crock of shi%.

#439509 - 06/17/08 10:52 AM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Sol]
Oregonian Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 03/17/05
Posts: 1765
"licking bullets"


#439512 - 06/17/08 11:02 AM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Sol]
stever in everett Offline

Registered: 03/17/99
Posts: 774
Loc: Everett, WA USA
Sorry to hear about your problems Achewter. Hate to say it but you have been screwed by your ex-wife. Join the club. Went through enough B.S. myself for years after my divorce. Best advice here came from Salmo g, just chill. You have taken care of your guns in your posession. He!! when we were kids we all had guns in our rooms. I started hunting sparrows when I was 5 with my Daisy BB gun and then moved up thru 22s and shotguns. We even had shotguns in our cars and pickups when we were in high school so we could hut before and after school. But times have changed due to circumstances beyond our control. Gun locks and gun safes are now mandatory if you have kids at home. Good luck.
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers

#439551 - 06/17/08 01:12 PM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Achewter]
Jersey Girl Offline
Hottie to go

Registered: 02/28/08
Posts: 95
Loc: Silverdale
She "could" possibly make your life a living hell. I say this because I teach parenting classes (most of my parents are mandated by the court to take my class). I have heard just about everything through teaching my classes. What alot of people dont understand is that CPS doesnt just come in and take your children from you from one complaint. The process of them taking kids out of a home can actually be a long process, unless there is some immediate danger or concerns. I am not 100 percent sure what their guidleines are. Just be open and honest when they ask you things:)

Edited by East Coast Girl (06/17/08 01:13 PM)
Do you know the punishment for bigamy? Two mothers-in-law!

#439556 - 06/17/08 01:33 PM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Jersey Girl]
Chuck E Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 09/07/05
Posts: 1832
Loc: Kitsap Peninsula
Although the circumstances were different, the only time in my life that I really wanted to beat a woman like a baby seal was when we went thru the process of getting named as pre-adoption guardians for our adopted son. The CPS woman was a condescending, egotistical, judgmental, lying POS and a general road block to our gaining the guardianship. She was the supervisor of the office we had to deal with.
I ended up hiring an attorney to deal with CPS as I had enough and my head was ready to explode. Luckily, a judge agreed with our attorney, our son that wanted to live with us and gave the CPS woman a lecture.
I later found out that a few years before, she had a run in with our son's former foster parents and somehow it was our son's fault so she was determined that he would go to a group home and not be placed with us.

I got pissed off again just typing the above and it happened in '89. Good luck with your issue. I will never trust anyone, without verification, from that outfit again but at my age, it's unlikley I will have to deal with them.

Edited by Chuck E (06/17/08 01:57 PM)
"I didn't care what she didn't 'low--I would boogie-woogie anyhow" John Lee Hooker

#439565 - 06/17/08 02:04 PM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Achewter]
Sol Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 12/19/03
Posts: 7477
Loc: Poulsbo
Look at the bright side, Art. This is just proof that you were smart for dumping the stupid sadistic abusive fuc%ing whore.

#439566 - 06/17/08 02:12 PM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Sol]
Jersey Girl Offline
Hottie to go

Registered: 02/28/08
Posts: 95
Loc: Silverdale
Wow, baby! Was she a whore?
Do you know the punishment for bigamy? Two mothers-in-law!

#439567 - 06/17/08 02:24 PM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Jersey Girl]
stever in everett Offline

Registered: 03/17/99
Posts: 774
Loc: Everett, WA USA
"Wow, baby! Was she a whore?" No she just plays one on T.V.
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers

#439568 - 06/17/08 02:25 PM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Jersey Girl]
Sol Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 12/19/03
Posts: 7477
Loc: Poulsbo
I have no idea. I'm just backin' my buddy, Art. smile

#439569 - 06/17/08 02:27 PM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: stever in everett]
Jersey Girl Offline
Hottie to go

Registered: 02/28/08
Posts: 95
Loc: Silverdale
Dont get fresh!!!:)
Do you know the punishment for bigamy? Two mothers-in-law!

#439570 - 06/17/08 02:27 PM Re: I AM PISSED. [Re: Jersey Girl]
seastrike Offline
Hey Man....It's cool...

Registered: 08/18/02
Posts: 4242
Loc: seattle
They all are! Well maybe not all (I will exclude all of your wives and sisters and moms). But the rest, yes.
Hang in there Art!
A couple of weeks ago my boy had a friend over for the afternoon. His dad dropped him off. We had just got back from the rifle range. My boy proudly displayed his target. The boys dad was very cool with it which surprised me as I live in a very liberal neighborhood in Seattle. When he came in we were bs'ing in the kitchen and he noticed the rifle on the kitchen table (hard to miss). I told him we had just got back from the range and that I'd be putting it in the safe. Again he had no problem. He did say if his ex had dropped the boy off she would have bitched me out and not left the boy with us....
When the boy was first born my ex got involved with putting together a baby sitting co-op. One of the rules was no guns in the house...period. Needless to say our participation in that group ended right then.
I ramble.

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