In another thread we had a lot of fun discussing the election. It was so obvious that we a still set to do the same thing over and over and getting the same results. I feel this guy comes closest to realizing and explaining the dysfunction than most. It's worth checking out. Not asking anyone to accept his views, but it's a good history lesson that many can relate to. BTW, I'm all for higher education and spiritual growth. With things going the way they are, maybe Tim Wise is on to something. Seems that America is chalked full of indentured servants and slaves, running out of sponsor's (payroll). Sorta reminds you of what it might have been like in the good old days of Colonialism. Dollar devaluation, isolation, Slavery, Old Money & Federal Reserve vs. New dollars and zero reserve, etc.......
Some of the comments towards Obama have been really revealing. I was really surprised by the comments of a couple of people that I thought were much more intelligent. Whites that don't think any black man should ever be president, but can fight and die in America's wars are sick.

Those are the one's that Tim is referring to. Stupid should hurt, and hurt real bad. Come to think about it, a bush 3rd term may be just what the doctor ordered.
Humility is the best healer!
Vote "The Salmon-Yoga Party" ticket in 08. Making a difference in tough times.