New-Powell Tiboron XL 9' #5 - $100 shipped within the continental USA

Used-G.Loomis 9' #6 Metolious - $175 Shipped

Lightly Used Winston LT 3-Piece w/ removable fighting butt 9' #8 - $275 Shipped

take all 3 for $450

email: for details.

10% of any sales from this board i will donate to gordy's raffle fund.

i found more rods.

used-sage 8'6" #3 2 piece DS...$125

lightly used-scott 8'6" #4 G 2 piece...$275

Edited by Sparkey (11/22/08 07:32 PM)
Ryan S. Petzold
aka Sparkey and/or Special