Thorpe may have been from OK but he played college football at Carlisle University in PA. That was around 1911. The Heisman didn't come along until about 1935.....which takes me back to the original tongue-in-cheek question.
I am at a loss as to why a "live Indian mascot" could disrespect Native Americans, live or dead. Political correctness sometimes tramples the original intent and meaning of a mascot. And who is it that were offended? A poll of Native Americans finds that 85% are not offended by team names or mascots. Must have been the Honkeys that think Native Americans should be insulted.
Hank I mentioned Jim Thorpe, because at the time he was considered the best all around Athlete (Football, Olympics) ever to come out of the State of Oklahoma and was considered sports royalty throughout the State. A first for Indians (Native American) anywhere in sports during that era.
I think the mascot thing was related to the comparison of Indians (Native Americans) to Beaver, Bull Dogs, Alligators, Wild Cats, Long Horns..etc.
The issue was that Caucasian had never been, and would never be considered as a choice for mascot, because it was assumed that it would offend many Caucasians. An Oklahoma Caucasian mascot wearing a plaid shirt and tie, would not illustrate the viciousness or Savage of a wild, uncivilized, ferocious Indians (Native American) with Hatchet, War paint, Headdress, doing a war dance.
Instead of fearing the Indians (Native Americans), we were in favor of promoting a fear of Badgers, Beavers, Bears and Cougars, and other vicious animals instead. Remember that at the time, Western Movies had created a very negative image of Indian (Native Americans). I also would not favor using an Eskimos, Mexicans, African Americans, or Aboriginals as mascots for the Sooners either.
I am not looking to get into a debate about mascots choices of other schools I didn't attend or had anything to do's their business. It was our school, and that was the course of action we took at the time on the issue. However it didn't prevent Oklahama teams from kicking serious butt, without having an Indian (Native American) on the War path. The Sooner Schooner (horses and Chuck wagon) and cheerleaders, do an adequate job. That is unless we get penalized for excessive celebration, when the Chuck Wagon rolls out onto the field after a touchdown, in Bowl Game.