Horrible initiative. The way I read it this would cap the rate of government growth at the rate of inflation. Since many, if not most Gov't salaries are based on the rate of inflation, this means the government could never grow over its current size. No more state patrol agents, ever? No more gov't raises without retirement offsets. What about in the event of huge growth or a wide spread catastrophe? Sorry, this sucks. The correct way to do it is to limit the increase of Property tax revenue by the amount of inflation plus perhaps one half to one percent. The new capped revenue amount would be established. Seperately, properties would be valued according to improvements, declining values, and neighborhood valuation changes. Once all changes were accounted for, the county would establish the rate for all properties. New properties would be charged the new established rate, allowing for appropriate growth of government. In addition, improvements to existing properties would be parred against depreciation of existing properties and the overall revenue amount raised or lowered by that amount. By allowing for up to 1 % over inflation we could fund new programs as needed and take care of needed raises and retirement issues. Since much of our property tax is based on levies, needed improvements in many areas could be submitted as levy increases, subject to a 60% vote. In my opinion this creates a fair and balance approach to government expenses and keeps away the feast and famine of property valuation swings, since the overall valuations have nothing to do with revenue levels. But, of course when I have proposed this to my state legislatures they look at me like they have no Idea how this could ever work.