Unit is in like new condition, comes in the original box with the LGC-3000 GPS module, Duel Frequency 50/200 transduser and a EP-65R Fluid Level Sensor.

Technical Details

* Features a rugged, built-in, shock-resistant 30 GB hard drive, preloaded with a wealth of electronic maps and charts for coastal and inland navigation in and around the United States and Hawaii.

* Advanced sonar receiver technology reduces interference and enhances sensitivity and picture quality; single frequency transducer provides 3,000 watts peak to peak for 200 kHz.

* Offers an easy-to-read, 8.4-inch, diagonal, 600 x 800 TFT color display with cold cathode backlighting.

Edited by ratherbefishin (02/12/09 10:06 PM)