For all you yahoos out there, the only reason they need to pull you over is if you're towing a boat. Just another loss of privacy and of probable cause.
WDFW starts mandatory boat checks to stop aquatic invasive species
OLYMPIA - Starting Memorial Day weekend, boaters heading to Washington waterways may encounter new mandatory stops by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to check for aquatic invasive species.
The long-planned emphasis patrol, which will take place throughout the summer, coincides with the recent seizure of a boat in Spokane contaminated with quagga mussels from Nevada’s Lake Mead.
"That’s a big concern, because if they get into our waters, they will likely spread rapidly and cause much damage."
"To avoid more close calls like this, our enforcement emphasis this year will be to conduct random, mandatory road stops of people hauling any size boat," Anderson said.
Since Washington passed a law in 2002 prohibiting importation of aquatic invasive species, WDFW, in cooperation with the Washington State Patrol, blah blah blah...
Once established, non-native mussels and other aquatic invasive species can multiply quickly and threaten native fish and wildlife by consuming available food blah blah blah blah....