Goose decoys
Guys here they are four days only then ebay gets then.

24 Flambeaus standard shells Convertahead Good shape. Cabela's $95 per dz. Only $150

12 Carrylites shells 9 good shape 3 fair to poor shape due to splitting where the stakes attach look just fine when set down though. Cabela's $95 Only $50

12 Flambeaus suction type floaters convertaheads (these move great in the water lots of movement and they don't flip over) Look good on land or water. These are the guide series field and water magnums normal price $59 per 4 in cabela's Only $110

9 total G & H wieghted keels floaters these are in great shape. Cabela's price $99.99 per six. only $90

6 total carry lite floaters aqua vac look great on water or in fields. Cabela's price $73. Only $50

Sorry no pics and I wouldn't know how to post them anyway.

wanted to give Oregon first shot.

$225 for all floaters 27 total
$200 for all shells 36 total of which 3 are in fair shape.

$400 for all of them.

E:mail at
503-366-9645 hm or 503-591-2811 Wk.

Thanks Dan!
Team Bad Halibut
Capn' Dan