14 ft cataraft. It has 2 frames, a 6ft 1 or 2 man frame and a 4ft 1 man...Put 6ft frame on and fish 1or 2 add the 4ft frame and fish 3.The 6ft frame has a removable cooler rack on back that will hold a 162quart or smaller cooler.The tubes are Star tubes and are 14'x25'' with top and bottom wear patches..Both frames have floor with marine carpet and a side pulley anchor system..The frame is steel gavanized . I have the oars and seat and anchor on my other frame and are not included in the price. Asking 1800.00 for frames and tubes with no oars or seats.

With 91/2ft cataract oars with magnum blades, seats,scull oarlocks and 30# anchor ready to fish.... 2500.00

The tubes were bought in april and the frames were custom built..

Cooler not included!
If ya can't run with the big dogs stay on the porch!