There are two distinct ways to tighten the main "barrel" or "hangman's" portion of this knot prior to sliding it down to the eyelet.
The pretty way looks like a gear guy's bobber stop knot or a fly guy's nail knot (same damn knot). This is accomplished by forming the barrel by pulling ONLY on the tag end. FYI, this is the WEAKER way to tighten the barrel. Forming the barrel in this manner with mono over 10-12# requires quite a bit of tension to get the coils to align in a neat barrel shape... enough that the barrel is very snug on the standing part of the line. A lot of friction is created when you go to slide it back down to the eyelet.... enough to burn the standing line, even if you spit on it. The tighter you pull, the more the barrel squeezes and strangles the underlying standing line. As the knot is placed under extreme tension, it will eventually break due to strangulation of the standing portion (think boa constrictor).
Believe it or not, the ugly way to tighten the barrel is actually better and STRONGER. This is accomplished by stacking the coils tight to one another within the return loop as you first tie the knot. Instead of pulling on the tag, simply slide the neatly stacked coils up the standing portion to form the "barrel", consuming the return loop in the process. The barrel will form more loosely around the standing portion, and will easily slide back to the eyelet without friction burn. Also, when the knot is given its final snugging, there is less of a tendency to strangle the standing portion.
Check out the pics below to see the difference:
"Let every angler who loves to fish think what it would mean to him to find the fish were gone." (Zane Grey)
"If you don't kill them, they will spawn." (Carcassman)
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