Everyone complains about the budget deficit but no one has the stones to stand up and say "we're fighting two Vietnams in Asia Minor that we couldn't even really afford to start at the time, and they've been on-going cash-sinks for nearly a decade. They need to stop now, before they break us financially. If they haven't already"
Completely agree with you Irie. In fact, I'd go a step further and say that they never should have been started in the first place. Iraq for obvious reasons. Afghans didn't attack us on 9/11,......19 dudes from Saudi Arabia did. The attacks were also planned in Germany and Florida,.......did we drop bombs and open up decade long campaigns in those places too?
I'm relatively new here on "the Dark Side" so none of you have heard me say this before but,......You can't honestly look at the federal budget without also looking at foreign policy. You cannot overlook 700+ bases in 128 countries worldwide, a $1 trillion annual budget, and speak of fiscal conservatism at the same time. It doesn't work. We tried to have "Guns and Butter" in the 60's and ended up with a mess in the 70's. We are a Welfare/Warfare state, that's how both sides are typically pleased. If we stay on the current course,....we won't be able to afford either.