Trend Micro Consumer Newsletter | Security Tips, Tricks, and Updates July 2010
Tabnapping: New Phishing Attack Works Through Impostor Browser Tabs

A recently discovered phishing tactic is so new, and so unknown, that nobody really knows what to call it. For now, we'll call it "tabnabbing"—an exploit that uses javascript to change unviewed browser tabs into imitations of commonly visited sites. The victim, hopping from tab to tab, clicks on the phony site and sees a familiar favicon, page title, and content that's convincing enough to persuade them to log in. At that point, the phisher captures the victim's real login information.

For example, let's say you're a Gmail user. You've got a tab open to Gmail, a tab open to a news site, and a tab open to what happens to be an infected site. You browse the news site, unaware of the fact that the infected site has morphed into what looks like a Gmail login. When you open the tab to the infected site, you think you're just being asked to log into Gmail. You do so, and the phisher collects your information and then redirects you to the real Gmail—which you're able to log into, because you're already logged into the real Gmail on your third tab.

Confusing, right?

The point is this: when you're working with multiple tabs, pay attention to where you're visiting. Any time you're asked to log into an account, even if it's with a reputable email or other service, take a moment to ask yourself if you haven't already logged into it. Click here for more details on this scary new form of phishing, and stay tuned more details on what Trend Micro is doing to foil it.

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