Hey Dave, sorry for taking so long to get back to you. This is my first time in the forum.
You bring up a good point, but if that were the case, then why not tie 3 properly colored egg yarns to a wet fly hook like you would RB hanging in an outlet? It might just work.
On the other hand, if I am correct, carp have an acute sense of taste and smell that they favor over feeding by vision. That is what makes you so talented if you land one on a (non-scented) fly. However, we both witnessed the occasional 29"+ carp taking something off of the surface with mouth wide open in a rolling fashion. I'd then have to say the flavor of choice would be a mass a green algae (probably you could make an imitation using some of that green floral stuff, with a big 2/0 hook in the middle of it). I think I'll pass on that "match the hatch" option!
A local that fishes Green Lake says that he occasionally trolls a wooley bugger (figure that) a picks them up in the flats. Well, I guess the whole lake is generally 7' deep, so the flats could make up a good deal of space. I guess that I'll have to conjure up an idea of a fly that somewhat resembles a pork sandwich or something else that the bait crew uses to capture these guys. Let me know if you unlock the mystery of "Carp on the Fly."
Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by.
(Sir Izaak Walton)