I'm a goin webfishin again today. Bannock wants ta stop me,but "I got rights" and besides
what I'm sayin is true. Truth has a way of bobbin to the surface like a slimy gob of detached
powerbait.Har,Har,Har. You out there Bannock?? Cumm on man, join the fun. I'll let ya net
em for me man! I LUV YUZ BANNOCK!! I LUV YUZZZZZzzzz.
Now, I got me a 6-pack of new CRAVE with SEX SCENT, cause I'm a SEXY SENIOR SPORTSMAN!
Wuz hopin they'd give me onea them pretty gals they use in their advertising but NO LUCK.
Coulda bought 4# halibut or 10# snapper with what I spent,but what the hell, I luv muddy trout.
So We'll see ifn' it'll outfish that pink glitter POWERBAIT I used yesterday. I know there's
another limit out there for me and I'm damned well gonna get it before someone else does.
Come on along youall. It's all about getting the Dept.F&G thinking about the FISH and the
LAKES & STREAMS and SPORTSMANSHIP and plicating fishhoging litterbugging Bubba and selling
more liscenses be DAMNED! It's the F&G Fishfry...DAY 2.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!