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#65495 - 03/26/02 07:16 PM Interesting thoughts
Stacie L. Kelsey Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/18/01
Posts: 255
Loc: Vancouver
I was told when I first started in this field that you cannot make everyone happy when it comes to fish management. Of course, I made it my goal to do just that anyway!

But over the last few years, I think I have to come to the determination that it is a goal that I cannot complete. There are too many factors out there that simply cannot allow for everyone to be happy.

The recent bait versus fly fishing thread is a prime example.

I do have to say, on a professional level, that it is sometimes disheartening for me to hear people unhappy with the way we are managing, when what we really are trying to do is provide fishing opportunities for everyone.

We don't favor any user group. We want everyone to enjoying Washington's incredible fishing resources. Whether you fish the ocean, lakes, babbling brooks or the Mighty Columbia River - we want to be able to provide anglers with the types of fishing that they enjoy.

I had thought about not commenting on the thread regarding triploid trout - but do have a couple of things to say. I will be the first to admit that they do not increase license sales. But they do provide anglers with a different type to fish for.

Now, here in our Region, a lot of our fish are big or bigger than these triploid trout! So our anglers are used to having great big fish!

The longer a fish is kept the more it cost to raise it. So there are two ways, in my opinion, to plant fish out. 1)less fish that are larger or 2) more fish that are not large (regular 8"). We try to use net pens to increase size without depleting room at our hatcheries.

It's a tough decision. I can't really discuss whether it is good or bad to have the triploids planted into lakes that anglers can keep them. I am pro catch and keep, pro catch and release, pro bait, pro fly fishing, pro trout, pro warmwater. I feel I have a responsibility to ALL groups, so I will do my best to try and give opportunities for everyone.

I think it is perfectly fine to have a specific way and to be passionate about it. But I do think that there is no one right way to fish and that people can enjoy many of the opportunities that we offer. And we will be there to try and get those opportunities to you.

WDFW - Inland Fish Program
Region 5
Southwest Washington

#65496 - 03/26/02 07:40 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
PhishPhreak Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 1066
Loc: North Bend, WA
Thanks Stace!
I for one really appreciate the efforts of those like you.
I am greatful that I have so many opportunities to fish in different places and many different ways.
Don't take the negative criticism personally. People attack the company I work for regularly, but I try not to take offense. As individuals, we can only do the best we can with what we are given. You will never make everyone happy.

Keep up the great work, and don't let a few jerks (who probably had good intentions, but just didn't pick the best way to communicate their ideas) get you down!!

#65497 - 03/26/02 07:42 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
Banock Offline

Registered: 11/24/01
Posts: 59
Loc: Oakville, Wa.
If my opinion counts at all, I for one think YOU are doing a bang up job. And coming to forums like this is a great way to interact with the people you serve. All I have to say is, keep it up and your ability to listen and then pull it all together is admirable. (I'll try not to butter you up to bad, you might slip out of your chair, LOL. Take care.
Tight Lines

#65498 - 03/26/02 08:06 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
Stacie L. Kelsey Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/18/01
Posts: 255
Loc: Vancouver

Well when I say 'me' I also mean us!! As a Department anyway. I see a side the anglers don't get to see a lot of the time and that is a bunch of people working their heiney's off trying to make things work.

For me, who takes a lot of pride in not only the Department but also my job, it's hard not to take some of it personally when people aren't happy!! But I definitely know what you mean.

There are a lot of incredible people throughout the Department, and though they may keep low profiles, they really really really are working hard for the public. I get to see them in action, but sometimes the public doesn't.

I guess my main point was, we do care. If there are questions about management, let us know! We will do our best to answer them. And you aren't always going to be happy with those decisions, but tell us that too! Communication is VERY important on both sides (Department and public).

WDFW - Inland Fish Program
Region 5
Southwest Washington

#65499 - 03/26/02 08:40 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
FishnfellaS Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/17/01
Posts: 319
Loc: Grand Coulee,Wa. 99133
Hi Stacie: I know you all Care up there. And I know you work hard to please everyone.
I'd like to see you work less hard and smarter. Thus the post on triploids, and Jumbos.
Triploids are a waste in catch and keep and Jumbos are expensive. You could provide the
same opportunity by planting normal trout and closing the lake for one or more years.

Your Dept does need to do better on garbage management and making anglers aware
of same,esp on the more popular lakes.

The post on the Stream trout season should go to the Comission for review. This season is
just plain WRONG.
The same might be said for my post on Jameson Lake....There is tremendous fish wastage here
Worse than Klinline or Kress. The season should remain closed in the fall or be C&R.

Finally, Your department does indeed try to please everyone. Some of that is good.
However, you are currently slighting the fastest growing segment of your constituency troutfishing wise......the guys out for QUALITY fishing both single barbless lure and flies.
You need aroung another 20 lakes on quality or fly fishing rules. You should see the crowding on
Quality lakes.....they are loving them to death over here in E.Wash.

Hope you take somma my complaints to your next staff meeting for discussion. Hope you can see
past my sarcasm.....that's just my way when I'm angry.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!

#65500 - 03/26/02 08:42 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
TRAUT Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 209
I"ve mentioned before that I think YOU do a fantastic job and provide an invaluable service through your participation in forums like this. Still think exactly the same thing. Thank you. I am disappointed that other regional personnel don't or for some reason can't also participate with the same stellar performance with which you do. Please don't get too discouraged with us and keep up the good work. MANY THANKS!

#65501 - 03/26/02 09:02 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
Stacie L. Kelsey Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/18/01
Posts: 255
Loc: Vancouver
I think you have great suggestions and you bet I am passing those on to my boss.

I am just not familiar enough with the lakes you describe in your area and my usual disclaimer is, I can only speak for our Region.

Our Jumbos are rainbows that are 3 and 4 year olds that we are done spawning. So there expensive is necessary as they are what we use to spawn the new generation of catchables. I am not sure about other Region's.

Been asking about the garbage thing. I put in another post that here we have one access guy for the whole Region. I am sure our others are in the same boat, so we do rely on a volunteer effort to help us out with the Adopt an Access Site. The key thing will always be to better educate anglers and other user groups at the access sites we own.

Have you thought about compiling all of your concerns and sending them into your local fish bio? That is what I would recommend. I wouldn't want to be the only one taking advantage of your thoughts and suggestions.


laugh laugh laugh laugh
WDFW - Inland Fish Program
Region 5
Southwest Washington

#65502 - 03/26/02 09:14 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
FishnfellaS Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/17/01
Posts: 319
Loc: Grand Coulee,Wa. 99133
Well, good idea on complaining to the local biologist, but the forum to do that
like I've done here is not there.... I don't even know the guy. Can you imagine my calling him
him and spouting off like I did here?
Would please the heck out of me if you'd run a copy of the whole fishfry and slip him a copy.
I'm not talking about broodstock when I say Jumbos. The use of broodstock is just great. There was and I believe is still a practice of "jucing" certain waters periodically with NORMAL, not trip or brooders,trout that are reared and fed to a larger like 12-14" size before planting. Expensive for the
benefit derived.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!

#65503 - 03/26/02 09:28 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
Stacie L. Kelsey Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/18/01
Posts: 255
Loc: Vancouver
I am VERY lucky to have a supervisor as cool as mine is and who supports the internet as a tool to assist anglers. But, not everyone of the Regional Bio's have a right hand person like me, and therefore, really do not have the time to be here. Now, I am not saying that they shouldn't make the time. In my own personal opinion, I believe there are a lot of staff that reads this - but have their own reasons for not responding.

I think of my superviosr as Colonel Potter and I am Radar. smile

As far as writing to local bio's I think that is exactly what should be done. I get TONS of emails or calls from people who have things to say, suggest, question etc. They may see my name in the paper for something and will call asking for me.

And if you don't talk to us, we don't know what your needs or wants are!! Don't vent right off though. Write your ideas down, without anger if possible and share them. You might get invited on a survey of a lake you have in question, or you might get a bunch of reports done on lakes that would help you out.

That's what we are here for. Not just the fish, but we are a public resource. It is our job to be available to help you. Some are better at it than others. But nonetheless it is still important.

Honestly, the best thing you could do is write down your thoughts without too much sarcasm at first though! Give the people time to hear what you have to say, then let you know what they have been doing. If at that time you disagree, be polite, tell them why and listen to what they have to say.

If you go off like a cannon ball, well, your less likely to get anywhere. But if you present your ideas with polite intent, I think you will be very surprised how far you will get.

smile wink wink wink
WDFW - Inland Fish Program
Region 5
Southwest Washington

#65504 - 03/26/02 09:46 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
FishnfellaS Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/17/01
Posts: 319
Loc: Grand Coulee,Wa. 99133
Well, sorry but it's my opinion that saying nice stuff and asking nice questions
is like a murmer in the crowd. If anyone hears it's usually drowned out soon
by a squeeky wheel somewhere.
Anyhow I sure got your, and lotta other peoples, attention didn't I? I consider

BTW after making you feel bad perhaps, let me say I'm sooo happy you're on here
and available to your constituency and good with questions of all sorts. If I waz your
boss I'd give you a personal DEPARTMENT COMMENDATION and suggest to other
staff that they make a little time each week to do the same.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!

#65505 - 03/26/02 10:07 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
PhishPhreak Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 1066
Loc: North Bend, WA
I had a sip of sour milk the other day. Sure got my attention!! But like other annoying things in life, it will be quickly forgotten...

#65506 - 03/26/02 11:21 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
trouter Offline

Registered: 12/10/01
Posts: 60
FishnFella, I know of a couple examples of changes to selective waters, that were brought about by individuals or local fishing groups. Clark-Skamania Fly-Fishers lobbied the department to stop stocking Brown Trout in Merrill Lake to see if natural reproduction could replace repeated stocking. Clark County Trout Unlimited pushed for all C&R and selective regs. for the Upper Lewis River. Both these changes were adopted by the WDFW. In addition a lot of these clubs members participate in the management of these lakes by doing all different types of activities, from snorkel surveys to electro-shocking surveys.

#65507 - 03/27/02 12:44 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
Stacie L. Kelsey Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/18/01
Posts: 255
Loc: Vancouver

You didn't make me feel bad! I just want people to know we are here to listen to your comments.

Like Trouter said, people can make a difference when it comes to management of lakes.

Give it a shot, talk to your local people. I am sure you will be happily surprised.

smile smile smile smile

Besides, I would have listened regardless of whether you ruffled feathers or not.


WDFW - Inland Fish Program
Region 5
Southwest Washington

#65508 - 03/27/02 05:21 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
Old Man Offline

Registered: 05/02/01
Posts: 762
Loc: Silver Star,Mt
Stacie. How is it that you are the only one in the dept that puts reports out on what is happening around the state. I would like to hear for the person that has the Northern part of Puget Sound. I think it is region 4. Jim S. laugh
I forgot what I was supposed remember.

#65509 - 03/28/02 08:37 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
Stacie L. Kelsey Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/18/01
Posts: 255
Loc: Vancouver
About two years ago (I think it has been that long!) I was contacted by Mike to provide information and assistance to the anglers here on the forum. My boss and I talked about it and we thought it was a great way to get out information to anglers about our fish plants, things we are doing with warmwater fish and other things of interest that pertain to southwest Washington's fisheries.

So, I started monitoring the forum, answering questions, putting out info when reports had been pubished that would be of interest to anglers, trying to get volunteers to help with warmwater surveys and anything else that we felt the anglers in our area would be interested in.

It has really grown to being invited to help out with other forums as well. My boss continues to support the internet as a method of getting information to you. We want you to know what is going on here so you can get out there and get fishing! We also want you to have the opportunity to work with us on projects to get you involved with the Department.

And so that is how it has happened with me. I can only speak for what we do here as I do not know what happens in the other Regions. I don't know what their workload is, or their ability to have someone help with using these forums to get information out.

I know we are all swamped with work, but personally I think it is a great means to interact with the anglers. Many people on this forum share the information with those who are not on the internet and the word gets out about fish plants, or surveys or reports being available, which in turn gets more people fishing and involved with the Department.

I make it a point to be available by email and by phone and I get a lot of mail and calls from people needing information.

There is a lot of information that can be found on our website too, but these sites offer a little more personal interaction.

And again, I have to say that John Weinheimer, who is my supervisor and the coolest boss on the planet, allows me time during my day to check in, see what is going on, answer questions and do whatever I can to help. smile

So I really don't have an answer to your question, but if you have questions about areas that you are in, I can provide contact information for you.


WDFW - Inland Fish Program
Region 5
Southwest Washington

#65510 - 03/29/02 12:26 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
Old Man Offline

Registered: 05/02/01
Posts: 762
Loc: Silver Star,Mt
Well Stacie since you asked I do have only one question. I live in Region 4 and they were supposed to stock Gissburg ponds in March. But it seems like they haven't done it yet. I would like to know because,because. It is a year around lake and us old people get to fish it when the younger crowd is at work.
I could ask more but one is enough. Jim S. laugh laugh
I forgot what I was supposed remember.

#65511 - 03/29/02 05:13 PM Re: Interesting thoughts
Old Man Offline

Registered: 05/02/01
Posts: 762
Loc: Silver Star,Mt
Well to answer my own question. I went down to the Mill Creek office of Dept.of F&W to buy my license(at Kmart the computer is always down). I also got a paper on the local lake plantings. Gissburg was planted on the 1st of March and will be done on the 1st of April. But the fish are on the small size 5 to the lb. Just thought I would pass this along. Jim S.
I forgot what I was supposed remember.


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