Small minded bigots have always been around. They are afraid of anything different from themselves. Jews, Blacks, Christians, the list is as long as human history is.
The darkest, most despicable times in history have been driven by one groups hatred for someone different from them. Mans inhumanity to man is fueled by the bigotry displayed on this thread. Blacks were dangerous because they wanted to have the same rights as whites did.
Threats that the imminent demise of society would occur were made at many times by the intellectual precursors of the small minded bigots on this thread. Such as the societal degradation that integration would cause, or that freeing the slaves would lead to, or giving women the vote would have. A very small level of historical perspective would lead one to see that these people are the intellectual detritus of the human race. Small, bitter, afraid and pathetic to their core, they crop up throughout time to declare 'imminent threats' posed by treating those different from them with basic human decency.
You can find the same small minded thinking going back to Sumer.
The bigots on this thread can stand with all the other bigots throughout history, knowing that they too will someday be consigned to the circular file of histories small minded, fear driven ideologies.
And they're the same people that have a problem with a black president. Both bigotry types are very much intermingled. It's a breed of human that we need to keep our children from becoming.