I gave up hunting back in 81. Just didn't have time and used what time I had to go fishing. I retired last year to Idaho and one of my goals was to start hunting again; now that I have time. Last year I couldn't start because you have to be a resident here for six months before paying resident fees for hunting and fishing. I got a good start this year.
On Wednesday my neighbor and I left at 0430 and were set up on our spot overlooking a ridge and drainage by 0545. When day light approached we spotted a bull elk about 450 yards away, that was moving in and out of cover. I had my rifle sighted in for 200 yards. My neighbor, who is a sniper, told me what adjustments to make on the scope for the shot. Adjustments made and at 0710 the bull elk showed himself broadside. I took aim and made the shot. The elk humped up, ran a few yards, then dropped. A clean kill through the heart and lungs.
Took a good 8 hours of hard work to get the elk back to a logging road. Lots of heavy brush that we had to saw through to drag the critter.
I definitely have the hunting bug back!
Does anyone have a good recipe for making elk jerky? I would appreciate any tips. I have smoked a lot of fish but not an elk.
Description: From the but end
"90% of Life is just showing up and doing the work". Tred Barta Sr.