More precisely....the Bruntland Commission of the United Nations... “Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

I find it interesting that we have now reached a point where we are building unsustainable debt with little to no willingness to address whether or not we are "compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Where is the balance between what we want and what we can afford? I'm thinking there is going to have to be a whole lot of life changing choices for a helluva lot of "special" people who think that the government owes them something. It scares the Hell out of me to think what would happen if the U.S. defaults on it's debt, but if we keep spending, what other option is there?

If you think the Occupy Wallstreet groupies are going to generate a personal check with your name on it, you're wasting your time (life).

If interested in this rather dated report, it is HERE It stirred quite a ruckus in its day.
Agendas kill truth.
If it's a crop, plant it.