You are looking for the Vancouver area right? Well, when klineline gets stocked in late December its great fun for dries if you dont mind planters. Last year I went the first few days in january and hooked more browns and planted brooders than I can count on adams and any dropper you want to use. I am willing to bet oversized chernobyls and hoppers would do well for the planted steelhead, but the best for them for me was olive buggers. If you catch it the day after they were stocked they are all high in the water column and they just smack anything that moves. You should seen the faces on the bait guys faces when I rolled up in an AC DC t-shirt and surf shorts and a flyrod, and popped 5 browns on the surface in 15 minutes
Fargher pond is good in the spring and summer for browns, if you have a float tube early morning and evening you can have loads of fun. Also in the spring when they plant canyon creek, whooooo, those fish are hungry. Seems like every little boulder has a fish, and they don't know the difference between a pellet and a grasshopper, let alone a prince and a PT.
If you like fly fishing for bass, hit the second klineline pond, the one with salmon creek running through it in a float tube in the evening with little poppers. Mostly smaller bass, but they are aggressive, and a kick on a 4 or 5#.
I haven't gone out to BG lake since I learned to flyfish, but I imagine typical lake techniques would work, ie indicator midge pupae and nymph fishing, buggers, and dries when they've just been stocked.
In the pac NW though, winter is time to put away the trout gear and go for steel least, thats what I'm trying to learn to do!