At first I thought I would reply like wise to this PM from a mentally disturbed individual. Rare Iever get a PM especially such a nice one. Then I thought maybe report it to the mods which isn't like me and something I've never done. Finally I decided to just let the world see what a little prick this idiot is:
I hate you, you are the biggest moron on this site. Just so you know, all I am going to use this site for from here on out, is stalking you in every thread you post in, telling everyone how full of $hit you are. Every day I'm going to come to this site, look up your posts and reply to them. I have no other reason for coming here other than to expose you for being full of $hit. I am not going to make any threads, I am not going to post in any threads unless you are posting in them. I'm only going to post in Stlhead threads, and only post to expose you as the idiot you are.
I hope you and your family die a tragic death.
I spent a lot of money on booze, girls and fishing trips. The rest I just squandered.
Behind every successful person lies a pack of haters, so by that metric I'm a smashing success.
"That FishPrince...he's a real prince." -Todd
"You learn more from losing than you do from winning." Lou Pinella