The Seattle Poggie Fishing Club is holding Salmon Fishing Classes! They begin Thursday October 28, 2004 at Three Rivers Marine in Woodinville. Topics include: Bait Cutting, Mooching, Knot Tying, Tides, Currents, GPS, Trolling, Puget Sound Hot Spots and much more! All classes are taught by Northwest Fishermen with decades of Northwest fishing experience. Five Thursdays packed with two and a half hours of expert information that will help make you one of the 20% of the fishermen that catch 80% of the fish! For more information contact: Poggie Alfredo @ 206-364-6361 or Poggie Paul @ 425-868-1608. Visit the Seattle Poggie
Take the joy you see in a child's eye when they catch their first fish, put it in your heart and your outlook on life will be different. >>Fishin Fredo