BB75...You'd better reread my post,It says above their head,not near their head, not in their ear or anything else. Do you hunt ducks? Does anybody you know hunt ducks? If a retreiver is properly trained,they are at heel near your side. Unless you are one of the JACKASSES out there that has no control of your dog,and they run all over the place,A dog is gonna have a shotgun touched off over their head.
My lab is 7yrs old and can hear just fine thank you,and she's hunted over 25-30 days per year.
Add all those shots up and she should be deaf right?
Ringing in the ears is a sign of subtle,but permanent loss of hearing. In other words if your ears are ringing after a shot you have lost a small amount of hearing,every time your ears ring you lose a little bit more.
You wanna talk cruel...take up your case with all the other dog owners that never walk them,and keep em' locked in the house all day.How bout the guys that leave em' in the car on days like today.
I'm sure my dog thinks I'm horrible cause I take her hunting and she has to listen to gunfire,swim in freezing water and retreive all those nasty birds...YUK!
I can't even put on any camo without her going apesh!t because she want's to go SOOOOOO bad!
Your not a member of PETA are you?