But those higher taxes really work; they really, really do. That's why there are 1/3 fewer millionaires in CA now than in recent years.
Businesses embrace the concept of higher taxes as well. That's why Apple is opening a new facility in (and bringing 3,600 good, high-paying jobs to).....Texas.
Well at least he didn't tank the economy like your party did. This idiotic trickle down crap you wingnuts have been spouting for the past 30 years simply doesn't work. Never has, never will. And any moron can see that... Well, any moron except a conservative moron that is. For them trickle down is a religion.
I got a bite....
Do you read anything besides the union newsletter?
Did you get a raise or more benefits since you joined the union?
Yes? How did the company get the extra money to increase your wages? More profits? Profits are nothing more than the money that private enterprise is allowed to keep and redistribute to its share holders, for their investment in the company. You invest your skills and time, (as an employee) to produce a product or service, which the company places a value and charges other companies and the public for that product or service.
Countries that have lower tax rates, get more private investment in new products, new company acquisitions, opening new facilities, with the goal of increased market share and profits. All forms of investment that are successful, create new jobs and strengthen existing jobs. THAT is, trickle down. If rich folks were not allowed to keep X amount of dollars to invest in their personal ambitions, people like Magic Johnson would not be buying sports teams. People seem to enjoy the stadiums built with tax dollars. They create assets, but they also create debt. Cronies persuade politicians to invest our tax dollars in personal ambitions. Obama wanted to do exactly that, with Solyndra, using the money confiscated from private enterprise in the form of taxes. (Only problem is, they cannot confiscate enough taxes, so they borrow on your future earnings.) Obama wanted a product that will create jobs and a profit, that can be taxed. Solar is not AS economical to build and run as current methods of energy. Ethanol is exactly the same thing. Subsidies for ethanol thru the Feds. As long as politicians can lock up votes from people in the ethanol or solar, wind or light rail, they will find the money or just borrow it from China.
What you fail to notice is that Obama is trying to do thru the federal govt, what business professionals say is a lousy investment.
(But some will do it, if they can use your tax dollars). It is however, trickle down with tax revenues, with some of the same goals. They just usually pick out some type of business that has no chance of making a profit for several decades. Thats what you get when you expect a lawyer to run the country and the economy.
You conveniently forget all of the politicians going back to Clinton era, who put the housing market on steroids and then fought every effort to change it. By the time the market was saturated, the only buyers left had bad credit and had nothing to lose by walking away. Clinton admitted on TV that he benefited from the high tech build up. He also said, that Bush only had Housing to rely on. Like any bull market, when sales drop off, so does employment. As employment drops, more people walked away. Housing values dropped and then govt had to step in and arrange the bailouts for the banks and GM. Govt chose the winners and losers. Clinton folks>>>> Johnson, Raines and Gorelick walked away with tens of millions of dollars in salary from Freddy and Fanny. Now, the taxpayers are paying for their attorneys.
http://www.npr.org/2011/01/24/133188021/Taxpayers-Paid-Millions-In-Fannie-Freddie-Legal-Feeshttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/22/busine...llion.html?_r=1http://tjhancock.wordpress.com/housing-bubble-financial-crisis-detailed-comprehensive-assessment/with quotes by BILL CLINTON plus an explanation of the housing crisis, with names and dates.
Only a union moron would not bother to read it.