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#76455 - 04/24/03 09:00 PM Peta revisited
Dogfish Offline
Poodle Smolt

Registered: 05/03/01
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I found this on my computer, and thought it was an interesting one.

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Author Topic: How ridiculous is Peta?

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 1645

posted 04-23-2003 06:15 AM

I seen on CNN last night that peta wants a city to change their name from Hamburg to veggieburg. They have way to0 much time on their hands.
There's no head like steelhead!
Operations manager of coors light testing facility.

Posts: 231 | Homeport: bullcanyon | Fishing Here Since: Dec 2000

lead thrower
Angler # 2678

posted 04-23-2003 08:53 AM

Some people kids

PETA is way over board

Posts: 906 | Homeport: Gold Bar | Fishing Here Since: Oct 2001

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 3868

posted 04-23-2003 10:00 AM

i am not on board with peta but you have to hand it to them. they can get on the national news with nothing other than a comic press release durring a time when even top stories of our nation are being ignored. its funny. peta is a very small group when it comes to environmental and animal rights but they are so successful at getting their name out there and re-defining the extreem so that other groups that were once considered extreem become known as moderate(greenpeace and siarra club) this is the same tactic that political parties use. they are extreeme but they are very very good at it. if we sportsfishermen were 1% as successful at getting our message out there as peta is..... we would have record runs on every river.
now dont write back outlining every comical extreem act they have done... you are just making them more successful. but before you attack the whole idea of animal rights... watch a video on vivesection... or of dogs bieng forced to run endlessly on high grit sand paper treadmills to test the strength of their paws. some of this aminal experimentation is beyond extreem and is almost never for the research benefit of humanity in general. if animal testing leads to a cure for cancer, and you have cancer but cant afford the cure. you will be out of luck. that is not human rights or animal rights. these same companies that dont care about animal life, dont care about human life either... its a stoupid arguement they use to protect their right to torture... and they dont care about our rivers or anything that is not dollar related. why be anti animal rights at all? it is a bizarre notion that fishermen would be anti-animal rights to any extent. in the bible. god said that the plants and animals of the earth were for mans use. it did not say for mans abuse.
have you ever lent a tool to a friend and said that he could use it, but really meant he could destroy or abuse it?
the stoupidity and extreemism of the anti-animal rights groups like washington sportsmen association is is just as extreem and bizarre as the peta wackos. for an example. wahington sportsmen association puplished on their web sit that the top domestic terror threat is from environmentalists... who could be this stoupid.. you mean to tell me that bunny huggers are more of a threat to my safety than timothy mcveigh? or the anthrax guy? or the colombine kids? or the crack house down the street?
in a country with over 11,000 gun related deaths per year... i am not scared of bunny huggers a bit. and if you are... you are more extreeme,more mis-informed and more out of touch with reality than any peta member could dream of. who really has the agenda here?

Posts: 112 | Homeport: seattle wa | Fishing Here Since: Sep 2002

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 4095

posted 04-23-2003 11:36 AM

Chappy.... Could you please post more often?? I find your posts extremely entertaining and easy to pick off.

Animal rights groups, such as PETA and PAWS support domestic terrorism. They've struck UW's campus, ski resorts, medical labs. These incidents are to insight terror. One day they WILL kill someone with their activities.

The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is a terror group on the United State's terror watch list. PAWS and PETA have both contributed and condone the activities of this organization. Condoning terrorism should not be supported and even moderate animal rights individuals are pulling out their dollars. These are not "bunny huggers," they're thugs with gas cans and bats. They should be treated as such and any legitimacy these groups have had should be revoked.

They are just as much a threat as the Timothy McVeigh's of the world- they ARE the McVeighs. They have an agenda which they have acted upon time and time again with violent means.

You're not worried? Well, I am. They've gotten their iniatives passed in this state. Hound hunting? Gone. Trapping? Gone. Bait for bears? Gone.

They are a real threat to everyone. Just because there are crackhouses other threats in this world does not justify us to not address this problem and take it very seriously.

Allowing them to small victories will spell our demise in the end.

[ 04-23-2003, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: CWUgirl ]
The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value.- Theodore Roosevelt

Posts: 229 | Homeport: Ellensburg, WA | Fishing Here Since: Nov 2002

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 2290

posted 04-23-2003 12:17 PM

I wished he would post more also, I enjoy the little giggles I got from his reading.

One question,, what definition of abuse should we use, the one from these groups.

all right another question,, what groups website are you visiting?

and what about all these fires and such CWU mentioned? they are taking place in the name of animals. Should we just assume they are bbq's that got out of control and not really a fire that destroy millions of dollars and puts emergency workers in harms way..
Mend That Line

Posts: 147 | Fishing Here Since: May 2001

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 3868

posted 04-23-2003 12:55 PM

hound hunting-lame!
bear baiting-lame
peta -lame
ethical hunting-good
ethical fishing-good

you are making very blatent generalisations about peta and blaming them for everything you have seen on the fox network. ALF does not equal the animal rights movement. neither does ELF. or PETA.
cwu girl -i helped organize against trapping, hound hunting and bear baiting. that does not make me an animal rights activist or a terrorist. now where did you so easilly pick off my point? if you can equate timothy mcveigh with peta you are a nut case too. while i do not condone their activities or aproach-you equate their destruction of property with the destruction of human life. you say that is the same! a tractor has a price, a human life is priceless! except maybe in your ,trapping ,baiting, hound hunting devoid of sportsmanship mind. for you to make that comparison means that you are not nearly as intelligernt as i was starting to think you were. I think you have made some good points in most of your posts for picking off my other points... i dont think your views on the iraq thing are really that different from mine.
if you need hounds traps or bait to hunt you probably need grenades, electric shockers and gill nets to fish! give me a break! if you cant hunt a bear without bait-your a wimp and you shopuldnt be in the woods to begin with.

Posts: 112 | Homeport: seattle wa | Fishing Here Since: Sep 2002

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 2290

posted 04-23-2003 01:06 PM

So will you guys have the money to organize more efforts??

hahaha I love making you guys spend your money.. Just how much have you spent on lawsuits? Is that why there wasnt any compassion conference this year? BAWAHAHAHA.. I love it!!!

We are starting to really kick your butts..

The Sportsmen caucus rules!
Mend That Line

Posts: 147 | Fishing Here Since: May 2001

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 2290

posted 04-23-2003 01:08 PM

Almost forgot!

I am a proud bear baiter!

I am a proud trapper!

I am a proud houndsmen!
Mend That Line

Posts: 147 | Fishing Here Since: May 2001

Angler # 4067

posted 04-23-2003 01:25 PM

Chappy I have two questions for you that i hope you can answer. What is the difference in "ethical hunting" and trapping? And you said that you helped organize the anti-trapping law. How does that not make you an animal rights activist?

[ 04-23-2003, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: Josh ]

Posts: 76 | Homeport: Forks | Fishing Here Since: Nov 2002

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 2290

posted 04-23-2003 01:40 PM

Good questions Josh..

he mentions that he helped with the organization efforts on both intiatives. Then he mentions ethical..

Chappy could you please elaborate since your so intimate in the organization effort, why the Attorney General fined your campaign the maximum allowed under state law for campaign violations..

and you where standing on your ethical soapbox,, give me a freaking break. You can break the law and it OK but I abide by the law and its deamed un-ethical by your type..My oh My I love that double standard!
Mend That Line

Posts: 147 | Fishing Here Since: May 2001

lead thrower
Angler # 2678

posted 04-23-2003 01:59 PM


Bear baiting - Lame

You ever done it?

Trust me it is not as easy as throwing out some donuts and waiting for a bear to show.

I have a buddy who hunts with a bow, baited bears when it was legal for 2 years. Bears hit the spot every time they put food out, just never when my buddy was present. Bears are pretty dang smart. Only problem with baiting is that it is hard to sit and wait for a bear to show up for 24 hours straight.

Posts: 906 | Homeport: Gold Bar | Fishing Here Since: Oct 2001

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 4095

posted 04-23-2003 02:42 PM

Chappy... this is getting rather silly, but I'll respond anyway as I just cannot help myself.

Since many of the people on the board have read my posts for some time now, most know that I easily can be pegged an elitist when it comes to hunting and fishing. Our big difference is that while we're both have rather set in stone beliefs on ethics............I don't try to impose my beliefs on others. I recognize that I can be wrong!

As a consequence, I find your response even more humorous. Obviously your emotions have gotten the better of you. Have you actually tried to stalk a cougar?? There is a reason we've got an overpopulation of the cats today, it is extremely uneffective to spot/stalk!

What's next... I use dogs to hunt birds... Same principle a hound hunting... How is that practice any more ethical?

McVeigh was a terrorist. PETA funds terrorism. They will eventually produce someone with that amount of insanity some day and start blowing up buildings......with people in them.

Since the anti-trapping, hound hunting, and bear baiting intiatives were funded and pushed by out of state ANIMAL RIGHTS does your involvement not make you an animal rights activist??

This is still amusing, I must admit!
The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value.- Theodore Roosevelt

Posts: 229 | Homeport: Ellensburg, WA | Fishing Here Since: Nov 2002

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 3868

posted 04-23-2003 04:20 PM

the reason for the overpopulation of cougars is the fact that the wolves and grizzly were driven to extinction. add suburban sprawl encroaching into the habitats and clear cutting and i think you pretty much explain right there why there is an abundance of cats. i didnt say you shouldnt be able to shoot them! but the methods you want to use impose on others. like when my neighbor in colorado's dog got killed by a trap while hiking. my dog looks like a wolf and even though she wears a hunter orange color, she has still had rifles leveled at her by people on the dirt road with me 20 feet away. there are way to many unethical let alone drunk hunters to lallow baiting and trapping and hound hunting in our forests. we as sportsmen have a right to pursue game but we dont have a right to impose the worst kinds of hunting practices upon our wild areas. I let people come and hunt our farm but i only like ethical hunters on our land. i believe in hunting for meat only. people that want to come blast song dogs get a cold reception and i make sure i know what people are hunting before i grant permission. there is an explosion of coyotes too but it is no reason to go and kill them for no reason. they help out our farms by keeping the rodent population down. there is no reason to kill song dogs or bait or kill predators at all unless it is an issue of an animal directly preying on your livestock on your property. predator meat sucks and killing them is not a sport.

ps i dont hunt birds with a dog either but the difference is that ducks dont kill dogs when cornered without a tree

Posts: 112 | Homeport: seattle wa | Fishing Here Since: Sep 2002

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 3868

posted 04-23-2003 04:27 PM

the other problem with bear baiting is that you never know what hiker is going to stumble along onto a feeding bear when you are not waiting.

it is easy to shoot a bear. it does take some hours for black bears but that is what it is about. spending hours in the wild. not how many bears per hour equals success. its easy to track bears and find them when its berry season. but the problem is that too many will bait in the foothills and not far enough out and draw the bears down lower where they will raid garbage and cause other problems. hence leading to the perception that the population needs to be curbed further.

Posts: 112 | Homeport: seattle wa | Fishing Here Since: Sep 2002

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 4095

posted 04-23-2003 04:54 PM

Chappy... Thing is that we didn't have the overpopulation of cougars before the hound hunting ban was enacted.

Humans happened. We cannot change that and we we're going to continue to grow in population. No judgement call on that, its just how it is. Grizzly bears and wolves need vast tracks of wildreness to survive. We simply cannot bring back the wilderness to pre-development days.

As a result, it is our responsiblity to manage the cougar population. Simple as that. In order to do that effectively, people must be allowed to hunt cougars with hounds.

Killing coyotes serves a few purposes, not the least of which is to help game bird populations.

Thing is...we're probably very close in our personal ethics. I do not hunt preditor animals and don't really see the appeal. There is just no way, however, that I am going to tell everyone else what they can and can't do.

Ohh... and I personally know of a brittany that was mamed by a rooster pheasant a couple seasons ago and lost an eye. (no joke!) How does the dogs welfare at all dictate that the practice itself is unethical? If that's the case..geez, I have had a dog get in an accident while hunting, end up in critical condition with a 10% chance of living.... Does this mean bird hunting is unethical?
The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value.- Theodore Roosevelt

Posts: 229 | Homeport: Ellensburg, WA | Fishing Here Since: Nov 2002

Hairy Ape
Angler # 4595

posted 04-23-2003 04:58 PM

Wow Chappy, you are unbelievable! You know, you sound like an anti-hunter to me. What are you doing here? I could say a lot more but I won't waste my time. I guess the only explanation for you is being from Seattle, all those anti-hunters must have rubbed off on you. I'd sure like to see you hunt and kill a cougar without the use of hounds. I bet you couldn't do it if you hunted every day for the rest of your life. And you think hounds are unethical. Please tell me you are only joking.

Posts: 24 | Homeport: Rochester | Fishing Here Since: Mar 2003

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 2290

posted 04-23-2003 05:23 PM

Wow this is silly,,

Can you explain the ethics that were violated in your campaign practices? It seems that you are avoiding that, are you Chapster?

OK,, here are some facts for you please do your best to explain them if you can.

Before I-655 there were

1995 "208" bear WDFW complaints
1998 "786" bear WDFW complaints

1995 "247" cougar WDFW complaints
1998 "927" cougar WDFW complaints

They are just kind a little ironic.. These numbers do not reflect any complaints from the timber companies. Their complaints are measured in million dollar increments..

Thanks for keeping me chuckling,, I really love your opinions..
Mend That Line

Posts: 147 | Fishing Here Since: May 2001

Juvenille at Sea
Angler # 1645

posted 04-23-2003 07:03 PM

Are you $h!tt!ng me? We shouldn't bait, trap, or hunt with hounds because there are some drunken idiots out there. Then you better not drive to work tomorrow. Take off your tunnel vision goggles and look around you. No matter what it is there will always be a bad egg in the dozen. Just because there is doesn't mean the world stops turning.


This is what is screwing up the hunting and fishing opportunities that my kids aren't going to get. Thanks a lot chappy. My kids are oh so happy with you and your freakaholic fan club.
There's no head like steelhead!
Operations manager of coors light testing facility.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.

#76456 - 04/24/03 09:37 PM Re: Peta revisited
Josh Offline

Registered: 11/10/02
Posts: 80
Loc: Forks
You asked what would happen if a hiker came along a bear feeding on one of our bait sets. Well here's my question. What WOULD happen? How could it be any different than if the hiker walked upon the bear feeding on those bearries that you were talking about? More than likely the bear would either keep eating, or run away. As far as I have seen, your points have all been replied with some really good rebuttles that pretty much shoot down your ideas. I'm also curious on why the things you do ("ethical hunting" and "ethical fishing") are SO much better than the things that you don't do. In my opinion it's all a matter of you being uninformed, which was proved when you helped organize I-713.

#76457 - 04/25/03 06:02 PM Re: Peta revisited

Awesome Job Dogfish!

I am so glad you got this thread still. Cant wait to hear Chumpy's replies!


I'll be in the canyon untill Saturday noon.. Come on down and meet Cody!

#76458 - 04/25/03 10:57 PM Re: Peta revisited
Josh Offline

Registered: 11/10/02
Posts: 80
Loc: Forks
What did Dogfish say? I can't seem to find it confused


#76459 - 04/26/03 02:21 AM Re: Peta revisited
Josh Offline

Registered: 11/10/02
Posts: 80
Loc: Forks
oops. nevermind

#76460 - 04/28/03 11:14 PM Re: Peta revisited
starcraft tom Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 424
Loc: marysville
iam getting in to this a little late but that never stops me. Chappy I still don't understand your statment about wolves and bears. They dont eat cats. (well the big ones anyhow). I dont know about washignton becouse I have only been here for a year ,but in my home woods of northern californa we have a lot of bears and a lot of cougar which I like. There great animals. The we have always had a large population of both but know that peta and the serria club have had the hunting stopped you can hardly take a piss in the wood with out pissing one off. The problem with both is different and yet the same so lets talk about one at a time. Bears . bears in cal. that raid house's and camps are not dealt with in the right way. The animal are relocated into the higher mountians were they are not a problem to any one. Thats what they tell use anyhow. the truth is that the bears are back in a week. there are two things happening that relocation does nothing about. The first is learned behavior. mommy bear teaches baby bear how to raid trash cans and destroy what ever they have too to get to food. I have seen car doors ripped open , truck canapies tore off and house ransaked. moving the bears to the mountians does no good becouse of the second thing. THERE ARE TOO MANY BEARS. sorry for the caps but i had to get my point across.thier are too many bears in the woods for the woods to support. and their is not enought room for them. in the old days we kept the population down by hunting and we kept the training of junior down by shooting mommy before she had a chance to teach the little tyke. today under no condition what so ever will the state shoot a problem bear. its the fault of the humans for leaving food out where the bears can get it. in the case of a friend that was the front seat of his locked truck in his damm drive way....!!!!!!. now for the cougers , I look at the big cats in a different light becouse bears ,problem that they are , have not killed someone in a long time. cats have and not very long ago either. The number of cat attacks are going up and the petas of the world always say the same thing . that we are moving in on them. The problem is that the attacks are not happening in newly delevoped areas or camping areas but in areas that have had homes in them for years. Why ? becouse the population of cats has out grown the wild areas and the younger cats are being forced in to urban areas. when I was still living in placerville ca.(look it up) i was in the propane field so I got to talk to a lot of people around the county on a daily basic. not a day went by that I did not here about a cat being seen or ran off. and not a week went by that a cat did not kill some ones cattle, dogs, goats or sheep. and not a month went by that a cat did not chase some one. you are thinking that if it was so bad why have we not heard about it. Two reasons really. one the papers in sac will not print stories about problem cats becouse they support no hunting and peta. over half of their staff belong to the serria club. if you think the seattle post is bad you have not seen bad.The second reason is that if you report a problem cat you will either be told there is nothing that can be done or a trapper will cost you the bigg bucks. yes you can get a permit to shoot it your self after the fifth time it kills some thing. but by then you are out of goats so why bother. instead what is happening is that people are praticing the 3 s's of couger managment . shoot , shovel, shut up. why should people live in fear of being aressted for managinig a problem population that the state has chosen not to so people in the bay area cant feel good about them selves??? The leader of the group that got hunting banned in cal. (iforgot his name sorry) said that even if kids started to get attacked that it would not be a reason to control the population. In the 80s a women was jogging and was attacked, killed and eatten by a cat in the foot hills near placerville. the cat was killed and the kittens where put in the folsom zoo. the sign on their cage reads that the mother was killed becouse some people believed that she may be a danger to humans. This statement is not only a lie. but leads people to think that some bad person shot the cat becouse he thought it might be a danger when in fact it killed some one and eat her. score one up for the p.c. bergade. Tom beathead
Thomas J Elliott
Veterans Realty Services.


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