". . . There are some real problems in healthcare that need addressed but in a new bill."
Yeah, but the Republican House won't introduce, debate, or even remotely consider anything, because they prefer the screwed up status quo.
And that is EXACTLY the problem. Even getting a constructive debate about any of this is nearly impossible. Making any headway as far as actions is practically laughable.
To me, that was what was so impressive about Obama's effort. He actually got "something" done. In the end, the bill sucks but not for all the reasons that most people want to complain about. The problem is the lack of a "public option" that would provide a form of competition against the status quo. The way it worked out, insurance companies were the biggest winners of all.
The other factor in any debate about healthcare needs to be the realization that we are ALREADY paying for everyone. You ALREADY subsidize those without insurance BECAUSE we treat people without insurance in the most inefficient way possible.
It seems that you then have a couple of options.
Option 1: Don't treat anyone that doesn't have the money and/or insurance to pay for their treatment. While this DOES happen already for certain diseases and conditions, it DOES NOT happen for people dragged into the emergency room with blood dripping out of them. When it comes down to it, not even the most conserative folks are willing to stop treatment for those in need.
Option 2: Get as many people covered with insurance so that the burden is spread more evenly. Additionally, people with insurance are likely to be treated in a more efficient way in the sense that they go to the "doctor's office" before they end up in the "emergency room". Unfortunately, people are completely irresponsible and can't be trusted to voluntarily buy their own insurance. They either feel like they won't get sick or that it is their right to not be covered. The reality is that even these people DO get sick and, despite the pre-problem tough guy routine, they DO want treatment. The double-shame is that people in that category probably STILL wouldn't realize that the rest of us just saved their [Bleeeeep!] and would STILL be talking about how the "socialist government is taking over".
It is easy to play the cold-hearted, "let people die" role until it is YOU or someone you love that needs help. And that is regardless of whether you have insurance or not.