One attaches that leader to the handle on a Clorox bottle.......
Take a long line...about a mile of 1/4 rope. Starting at one end, tie the 1/4 rope off to either small block Chevy engine, a chunk of concrete with some form of metal loop in it, or anything heavy. Kerplunk that weight down on the river bottom. Work your way up stream. Every 100 yards or so, take yer Clorox bottle with the above leader attached to it and clip it on yer line. Do that for about a mile or so.
Go home. Drink some shine. Eat some hog and in the morning after the hang over wears off and you've gotten off your sister (be careful not to crush her shmokes!), hop in the boat and find where your line started.
Oh crap. Forgot to mention to use a 5-gallon bucket (with a lid, dumbass), to mark where your anchor is. Oh well, looks at the trees and opossums and you'll find the spot where you dropped your anchor. Dive down and get it. If it's too heavy, grab the line ya nincompoop and come on in the boat.
Follow the line to your first Clorox bottle. If she's a standing still, hit your buddy in the back of the head and tell him he [Bleeeeep!] up on baiting the hook and bring that [Bleeeeep!] back on in the boat. If you come across one that's doing the weave dance back and forth in the water, you got a good un! Grab that bottle and hang on, woooowheee! Be ready with the net, the bat, and the Glock pistol (recently recovered from repo). If it's just weavin' and moving in the water, it's likely just a bass, carp, catfish, snapping turtle, or maybe even a beaver. All thems can be handled with the net, your hands, or a gaff.
However, if'n you come across a Clorox bottle and she goes under, more then likely you gots a gator. Couple things you can do at this point:
a) Go home. Pussy.
b) Make your good buddy driving the boat get it. Probably not realistic as I'm the only one in the clan so far who has thought of that idea.
c) Use your gaff to snag the Clorox bottle, grab hold, hang on, and WOOOOWHHHHEEEE - that damn gator's gonna be pissed! Shoot it! Shoot the damn gator! Right between the eyes, ya moron!
Wait? What? Sockeye in MA10? Yeah, I know how to do that too.....