Puppies are fun. 20 minutes a day will help keep you in shape and will train your dog to do anything you want. When the puppy is small, carry a bag of cut up hotdogs in your pocket. When the dog obeys a command, give him a treat. Try not to let him see you going for the pocket though, just have it in your hand. The dog will start looking to the hand for approval (treats). After the dogs gets a little older, slowly back off on the number of treats, but keep up the hand to the muzzle or head with "good dog".
Try to keep one word commands if possible. Come, sit, stay, hie (go), heel, kennel, NO, and leave it are a few I use regularly. I also snap my fingers as I say sit. After a while, if talking with someone, you don't have to interupt. You just snap your fingers and your dog sits beside you. When you say no, use a gruff and agressive voice. That is your "bad dog" command. Never strike the dog with your hand, but spanking with hat or newspaper is a must, at times. Laying the dog on their back while gently shaking a little pinch of neck works wonders. When the dog turns it's head in submission, your mission is accomplished, let them up.
I got a lot of my experience by raising and training labs in southern OR. I started years ago with the book "training your retriever" by james lamb free. Then I worked out with some fellow hunters and their dogs.
Good luck with the puppies.