~Our October meeting is packed! Our guest speaker will be Steven Thiesfeld, WDFW Puget Sound Salmon Manger. Steve will be providing us with a review of how we got to where we are today in salmon management, including court decisions, ESA listings, commission policy, the North of Falcon process and which stocks we manage with in-season updates and how those updates are made.

In addition Danny Garret, WDFW Lead Warm Water Fish Biologist will give a short presentation about the NEW Sturgeon sampling program and will sign up volunteers who are willing to participate in fishing for sturgeon and collecting samples.

Meeting is Wednesday, October 10th at Holiday Market Sports beginning at 6:00pm.

~November's meeting will be held at Brandywine Kitchen in Bellingham and will feature fly tying and lure making. Join us for dinner and a few brews! Stay tuned for more details.

~Enter to win a free ticket to the 2013 CCA North Sound Banquet next April at the Bellingham Golf and Country Club! Calling all photographers; we are looking for a photo to feature on our banquet program and promotional material over the course of the new year. Submit your photos to ccanorthsound@ccapnw.org or post it on our Facebook page (CCA North Sound).