About damn time we had a govern who would work with the other side, even in a pres election, and say what he thought was right. Nice someone can tell the truth.
Of course he will be attacked on it from his party for doing just that. They will use it against him and the wackos will try but likely fail to unseat him.
I can also say I wish he had run this time as he would be far better than Romney or Obama. To bad presidents dont seem to come from the cream at the top and more the sludge at the bottom.
He wont have a republican or a Tparty challenger. He is doing his job and part of his job includes getting money from the feds to rebuild. Its a silly assumption given that NJ is majority Democrat, that its an open club to republicans. He only won because, the Obama Bundler and former Governor, Former Senator, phucked the taxpayers so bad, they had to go with a fighter.
In presidential politics, Obama would have destroyed Christie as being unhinged. That stuff may fly in NJ and NY, but it wont fly in the rest of the country. John McCain supposedly lost his temper once and it made headlines. They called Romney a bully after the first debate. Everybody thought Rudy Guliani should be president too. Same for Lee Iacoca. Few really good people who have a record, wont run, due to the bias and the destruction. Romneys wife did not want to go thru it again. All Perot had to do was say "you people" and he was called a racist. Given the bigotry of people, a lot of people could not vote for a fat man.
As far as the sludge comment, I dont share that perspective. He is a giving person and has done many acts of personal charity and help to others, that most people have never heard of. He shut down his company, flew everyone out of town, when one of the kids of an employee was missing or kidnapped. They set up a command post. He paid out of his own pocket for years, the milk delivery and 7000 cartons of milk to a hospital, after he did an audit of the hospital. The only reason he was outed for the generosity was because the truck driver retired and he gave up the name. He apparently donated all the money he inherited from his father. No DUI, no divorce.
Compare all this to Newt... There wasnt much wrong with Santorum, other than being wrong for the job and the wrong agenda.
Nothing wrong with Huckabee, who now has his own show on fox for nearly four years. When I think sludge, I think Kennedy. I think Clinton. There is a long list of convicts who use to be politicians on either side, that fit that description. Its not often we get one that has a clue and a plan. Compare him to some of the rich folks that make the news. Who would you rather have as a neighbor?
Considering the fiasco and the development regarding Benghazi, its only a matter of time, the news will be everywhere, that the current president left an Ambassador and soldiers in harms way and denied them support. The military past and present is fumming. Its not being widely covered, but it is leaking into the news.