December 13, 2012
To: All AUTO members
Re: KOMO TV broadcast tonight
For those that missed it, KOMO TV out of Seattle did a feature on the
Yakamas suing the state to try and keep the approximate $25 million in
gas taxes that is owed the state. The broadcast includes an interview
with Reporter Tracy Vedder and the head of the Yakamas who claims the
1855 treaty says they don't have to fork over the gas tax even though
they signed the consent decree in federal court in 2006 promising to do
so if the state agreed to the program. The broadcast can be viewed on
your computer by Interesting legal theory. Explains why they filed in "tribal court"
rather than back in federal court where they assured the judge they
would follow the rules if he approved the consent decree. Personally, if
I was in his shoes, I'd probably try to avoid having to appear before
the federal court as well. Now for a real insight into how the tribal
court appointed by the tribal council (entity responsible for the $25
million) actually works, here's a story about outlining problems with
the Yakamas tribal court in an independent publicationthat caters to
Native Americans.