SOTU Drinking Game as lifted from a RW rag (sorry fishy!)
•Whenever Obama says “jobs,” pour eight percent of your drink down the drain.
•Take a shot whenever Obama mentions the word “gun” or other Second Amendment-related terminology.
•When Obama engages in class warfare, stab the richest person in the room with your broken beer bottle (which was broken, of course, by smashing it on said gentleman’s head).
•When Obama mentions “green energy,” swirl your drink in a windmill-like fashion and pour it down the drain.
•When the president says “debt” or “deficit,” take one of your friend’s beers and promise to pay him back later.
•If Obama says “It’s the right thing to do,” scream “YEAH IT IS!” and chug your whole drink.
•If Obama says “Let me be clear,” take a shot of vodka or translucent alcohol of your choice.
•If Obama mentions technology or technology education, “mupload” a drunk “selfie” to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
•When the president uses the passive voice, hit your neighbor the right, and blame your neighbor on the left.
•Drink a vodka with Red Bull every time Vice President Joe Biden looks like he’s about to fall asleep.
•If Speaker of the House John Boehner’s complexion looks particularly orange, pour a screw driver.
My additions include taking a shot everytime the following words and phrases pop up:
"Common Sense"
"Top Priority"
Finish the bottle if Nugent goes apeshit in anyway.
Finish the bottle if "You lie!" gets a shout out.
Gonna be a LONG night in Drunky Town...;)
“If the military were fighting for our freedom, they would be storming Capitol Hill”. – FleaFlickr02