alright, ill share my story... its worth a laugh or 10....
this was probably 10 years ago i would guess...
anyways, i used to wear a bunch of jewelry, rings, a chain, cross with diamonds in it, earrings (still wear my gold hoops), ect... after coming home from work one friday i called up my buddy and asked if he wanted to go have some drinks... scooped up my ex (i was with her at the time), and we headed to Casa Durango in the Highlands... sittin there eatin, i wanted a smoke so i went outside...
as im standing there, some big black dude comes up and is like "damn yo, you are blinged out yo" blah blah blah... im kinda like whatever... then he says "i got some stuff like that if you are interested", well, i was like hmmm, cool, let me see it...
couple rings, a watch, chain, ect...there was one gold nugget type ring that i really liked, that had 2 diamonds in it... fvcker was heavy too, plus, it was stamped ZALES 14k.. so i start hagglin with this piece of sh!t and get him to 250... SOLD... he wanted 1500 for the watch, and i almost went and got the funds, but i said nah, im good, i already have a 600 dollar watch dont need another one, plus mine is cooler looking and more functional than that one... boy was i right...
so i go to bed later in the night, and wake up and look at my finger as it was kinda turning green... immeadiately im like "oh you fvckin piece of sh!t, you are dead", then i thought, no need to jump to conclusions just yet, maybe its the chemicals i was working with mixing the "chemical concrete" the day before, so i took it to the local pawn shop down the hill...
the lady behind the counter looked at if for about 5 seconds and threw it at me hitting me in the chest, and says "get the fvck out of my store you piece of garbage", im like "woah lady, whats wrong with you"?
her reply "ITS FAKE ASSHOLE", i say, i just bought it from some dude last night at a restaurant and it even says ZALES and 14k stamped right on it... her attitude changed from wanting to kill me, to, "dude you got shafted"... she then explained to me that people were taking Pot Metal, forming rings, stamping them with ZALES and 14k, and they were selling them to unsuspecting idiots like me...
when i got home, i cut the thing in half to see what it looked like, no gold in there, so i bent it out and put it around my shifter in my truck, because i was going to shove it up that dudes ass the next time i saw him.... which never happened... probably lucky too, i used to do things before thinking back then...
thats the LAST and only time ive ever been ripped off like that...
and yes, i still have the ring, although, it doesnt look like the night i bought it after sitting in a mud covered, saw dust infested 4x4 for 10 years...

some seriously shady people in this world these days...