This may sound like a really crazy idea but I say that we as the sportfishermam who care about the future of our wild fisheries take over the WDFW. From all the past decisions ever made by the WDFW it is very easily to tell that they are far from the educated sort. It wouldn’t take much.
But first I say, like our own American Revolution, we must perform some mass tar and featherings. Those have always intrigued me and I think it would be fun. Am I right?
Then we must have something similar to the Boston Tea Party…how about we break into the WDFW, carry away the boxes and boxes of checks written to the WDFW from the Indians, and the commercial fisherman and the loggers and dump it all into Capitol Lake.
Now we are getting somewhere, I guess, I hope.
Obviously though they wouldn’t listen to us, so an all out revolution would be the last resort. As we are calmly protesting and burning WDFW flags outside their office Olympia, they would fire the first shot because they are rattled with fear that someone in the public knows more than they do. I don’t think guns would be necessary, how about we gather up a bunch of Loomis Backbouncing rods and attach 6 oz. Cannonballs and fire continuously away with our Calcutta 400’s loaded with 100 pound Power Pro. As we dig and we decide to starve them to death, it takes a lot longer than expected because of the incredible surplus of Puget Sound chinook given to them by commercial fisherman and the loads of Native Steelhead given to them by the Indians. We then start plastering them with jigs tied on 3/0 Gammas with those super x-large eyes. And then what to do you know here comes Bob, leading another group of sportsmen across Puget Sound in is Wild Hair just like George Washington. They cant take it anymore they are sickened by their losses, starved because they have run out of illegal fish to eat and they cant handle the fact that there are so many sportsfisherman that want to realease fish.
In we push and unanimously elect Bob to the head of the WDFW, the peoples department not the special interests groups one.
And now finally our fish have a chance in this state!!!!!
This may sound like a crazy idea, but it is all-possible and imagine the outcome:
Wild Rivers Boiling With Wild Fish
Maybe Someday, Hopefully…and I will start on tying those really large jigs tonight, those things hurt…trust me!!
Tight Lines
Ryan S. Petzold
Ryan S. Petzold
'Sparkey' and/or 'Special'