The latest on pressure cookersInvestigators believe the bombs at the Boston Marathon were shrapnel-studded pressure cookers, hidden in backpacks and set off by timers, law enforcement officials told NBC News on Tuesday.
Rev. Al Sharpton said it was probably bought at a rummage sale, you know, one of those "rummage-sale-loophole" pressure cookers.
Joe Biden tells the press his wife doesn't have a pressure cooker. She just gets out on the porch with her tea kettle.
Obama calls for Congress to pass legislation now before another "pressure-cooker" tragedy.
Senator Feinstein (D-CA) introduces bill which bans 400 different cooking appliances.
Wal-Mart sells out of pressure cookers within hours.
Some military veterans received a letter from the VA warning that their compentency to handle their own affairs is under review and they may be barred from possessing pressure cookers.
New York state bans pressure cookers greater than 7 ounces.
NYC Mayor Bloomberg sets up buying "sting" of multiple pressure-cooker sales in Virginia.
ATF loses track of 210 pressure cookers sold to Mexican drug traffickers.
Chicago leads nation in pressure-cooker deaths despite a total ban on pressure cookers.
States do not check if mentally ill are buying pressure cookers.
Survey conducted by NBC News shows public wants pressure cookers restricted to chefs.
United Nations votes for international controls on pressure-cooker trafficking.
The British and Japanese have long been prohibited from owning pressure cookers.
Each Swiss citizens is issued one by their government.
North Korea testing giant pressure cooker off the coast of Japan.
Physicians begin asking if there is a pressure cooker in your house.
"Buy-back" of pressure cookers begin in inner cities. No questions asked of owners. Most cookers do not work.