I haven't forgotten all of you! I know I've been absent from posting for awhile, but unfortunately been too busy just fishing every day and dealing with the finer times in life like when I get an email like this (I get "love" letters like this about once or twice a week):
Hey Bob how's it going?
I went fishing with you last year and have seen you a half a dozen times
since than. I have a problem with your website. That 28 pound steelhead
you caught on the fly (?) can't be 28 pounds it's not big enough... what
was the girth? Plus there's no way you got it on the fly you don't fly
fish.... I also know what a plus 20 pound fish looks like because I spent
my fall up on the Thompson in Canada. Come on now. You get a 20 plus
pound steelhead a week. Let's not exaggerate shall we?
Also you forget to mention that most or all of your clients catch these
beauties on plugs. What's the fun in that?
Sorry about the above but I'm sick of guides advertising how easy it is to
catch a steelhead and clogging up our local rivers with these ignorant
fishing idiots that guides fail to teach them fishing etiquette.
Good fishing to you sorry if I insulted you but you're contributing to the
down fall of our sports fishing. You're just as bad as the indians, dams
and ignorant fishery biologists.
See you this weekend on the Hoh. Unlike your girlfriend who fishes plugs,
I'll be the only girl out there fly fishing and drift fishing.
By the way you are an incrediable guide and I did have a great time and
learned a lot from you. I just hate false advertising so don't do it!
- ID withheld to protect the ?clueless? ... hmmm, is that a spoon hanging out of the fishes mouth at the top of this page?
Although this person (it is a she) obviously doesn't seem to visit all portions of the site, I was hoping maybe all of you would save me a little time and help her out with her confusion.
I'll help and start things out with the fish that I caught on the fly, but really didn't, because I don't flyfish ... the fish was 43 inches long, with a 22.5 inch girth ... this is how the C&R formula works
43 x 22.5 x 22.5 = 21768.75
divide by 775
equals 28.08 pounds.
And since I "don't flyfish", exactly what am I doing in the picture below - taken about an five minutes before hooking the fish in question?
And by the way ... don't tell my clients for Sunday that I "don't flyfish", 'cuz that's what we're doing ... at least one is female too!
And if anyone wants to see a catfight ... Fishgal and Kimmy (a guide's buddy wife) are floating down the Hoh in search of her ... hmmm, mudwrestling on the Hoh Sunday, be there!
[This message has been edited by Bob (edited 02-09-2000).]