It's official, just got off the phone with "Pish and Blame" (Fish and Game). As of today Reiter, the Snoqualmie, Tokul, and the Cascade are now once again open. Good Luck!! Press Release: February 16, 2000
Contact: Bob Leland, (360) 902-2817
WDFW reopens rivers
to steelhead angling
OLYMPIA–Sections of the Snoqualmie, Skykomish and Cascade rivers and Tokul Creek will reopen for hatchery steelhead and gamefish sport fishing today, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife announces.
While hatchery steelhead retention is permitted, wild steelhead must be released in the following:
The Snoqualmie River from the Plum Access boat launch ramp to Snoqualmie Falls
The mainstem Skykomish River from 1,000 feet downstream of the Reiter Ponds outlet and 1,500 feet upstream of the outlet
Tokul Creek from its mouth approximately 700 feet upstream to the posted cable boundary marker
The Cascade River also will be reopened Feb. 16 from the mouth to the Rockport-Cascade Road Bridge. Anglers may keep wild as well as hatchery fish in this area through Feb. 29.
The rivers were closed to all fishing on Jan. 16 so WDFW could obtain hatchery steelhead eggs needed for future production at its Tokul Creek, Reiter Ponds and Marblemount hatcheries
[This message has been edited by JohnnyCoho (edited 02-16-2000).]
John Koenig
John's Guide Service
"Wounded Warriors In Action" Associate & NW Field Coordinator
"Life is short. Never pass up a hug. Look children in the eye when you talk to them. Bend the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile."