Concerning LT's etiquette subject below, the old fashioned rules are somewhat impracticle in that there are too many fishermen fishing too little access & fish. I have to agree that simple common sense & courtesy should prevail as described by "obsessed's" reply. However, all it takes is one bad apple to upset a rotational scenario- & unfortunately they are not in short supply! Should the State step in & set governing rules for this??-- I fish in NW Oregon & SW Wash., mostly from boats. We also have similar problems down our way; with boat & bank anglers. On rivers where there are a lot of both, common sense often is challenging. I think that on rivers that have holes traditionlly fished more by bank anglers & conversely some fished more by boaters, those holes should be exclusive to that tradition- unless nobody else is there or there is abundance of room. For marginal holes, the old rule that the first there gets the right of way should apply within reason- that is, if it's not a crowded day, otherwise it's not unreasonable to expect to have to share even marginal holes; in a courteous manner.- Low holeing is probably even more common with boaters- at least down here. If a boat is anchored (by anchor or hovered with the kicker OB) on a hole traditionally backtrolled by other boats, we politely explain the tradition. If they don't back thru we simply move in close behind them to backtroll on down. For inconsiderate boaters that pull up too close over our backtrolled lines, the same applies- polite explaination; if that doesn't work you can either show them how it feels to have someone pull over their lines, or if they look like crazy gun toter types then report their boat #'s & behavior to authorities. Overpopulation & resulting overcrowding has become the greedy root of most evil! - Steve